Primary 3 – 11/05/20 AM

Good morning everyone!

I hope you all had a lovely weekend and managed to enjoy the lovely weather.

This weekend I discovered a new route to take on my daily walk. It had a river with stepping stones to get across and there was a huge field for Cora (the dog) to play with her ball! On Saturday is was glorious sunshine so I didn’t mind when Cora jumped out of the river and soaked me from head to toe with the water! On Sunday we walked much faster because it was really cold. We had hot chocolate when we got home to warm up.

What did you do this weekend? This morning you can write your weekend news in your blue jotter and draw a picture to go with it. Can you spot the connectives in my news? (Remember they join two sentences together.) Try to use some connectives in your sentences today. Here are some examples of connectives to use:


To help you remember your other writing targets, here is a checklist for super sentences:

Maths – Money

For Maths this morning, we will continue with Money from last week. I would like you to set up a little shop in your house and pretend to be the shopkeeper. It could be a toy shop, a food shop, a book shop – whatever you have in your house! You could make up price labels or a price list for all the items. Practise paying for things and giving change. What coins would you need? Could you pay for it in a different way? I would love to see photos of your shops 🙂

Here is the link to the game from last week if you would like to play again:

Remember we have our new P3 mailbox so parents/carers can email us directly at

Mrs Harding

4 thoughts on “Primary 3 – 11/05/20 AM”

  1. R wrote her weekend news. She wrote about talking our dog for a walk to feed the ducks and also using a cardboard box to make a stable for her dolls and toy horses. She checked her story against the super sentences checklist. R drew a picture of us feeding the ducks to go along with her weekend news writing.

    Since school stopped we have had a little tuck shop running for R’s snacks. We have a pricelist and R is giving money everyday and she has to pay for and work out the change she gets from whatever she buys so this ties in with her maths challenge for this morning.
    From the literacy task on the home learning grid R read the first chapter of Here Comes Trouble. She did very well with the reading and afterwards she was able to tell me the names of the characters, where the story was set and what this part of the story had been about.

  2. J has written about his afternoon on Friday using connective words in his sentences. His Aunt arranged to have a Video Chat with all the Family for VE Day, we made sandwiches and cakes and had picnics and listened to Old War Songs. Much fun.
    J had already set up a Tuck Shop in the house so this morning, he made a Poster for it. He also had another go at the Toy Shop link.

  3. The VE Day party sounds like fun! Yet another great idea 🙂
    Remember to use the checklist for super sentences!
    Fantastic effort.

  4. Well done for using the checklist – I bet you have some super sentences now!

    Well done to both of you for organising tuck shops (I’m sorry if I’d forgotten that one of you told me this already!!).

    Have a lovely afternoon.

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