Primary 3 Activities

Good Morning

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We are going to start the day dancing with Oti.

I would like you to choose your favourite song and make up your own dance routine and then perform it to a member of your family.  Then try and teach them your routine using a clear set of instructions and demonstrations.


I would like you to find something in your house and use as many adjectives as you can to describe it.

Mrs Docherty

4 thoughts on “Primary 3 Activities”

  1. J enjoyed The Greatest Showman video with Oti.
    He decided to do his adjectives on describing the sofa and his bedroom, wrote out some sentences for this.
    He had a slight interrupted morning as he had a Video Chat with his Big Cousin, they had a game of Guess Who together. Much fun and giggles.

  2. R loved the task of making up her own dance routine. This is something which she does regularly and she thought it was fab to do as part of school. Her favourite song is Mama Mia by Abba, she made a dance routine to this and wrote out instructions on post it notes so that she could teach me the dance.
    R absolutely loves Strictly Corn Dancing and her favourite dancer is Oti so we have been following Oti’s dance class most days.
    The object which R picked in the house to describe was her bedroom. She used the adjectives big, pink, cosy, fun, light, spacious, upstairs, loving and tidy although I think she just made the last one up haaa.

  3. I knew R would enjoying the dance routine task!!Good choice of adjectives, well done R.

  4. That is lovely getting to chat to his big cousin, great idea playing a game together. I am glad you enjoyed the dancing, Oti is great fun. When you look at the afternoon tasks there seems to be a problem with the number talks images.

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