Primary 3 Activities

Good afternoon

Wishing Tree

One of your classmates came up with the idea of creating a wishing tree.   He drew a tree and then made leaves to add to the tree.  On the leaves he wrote things that he would like to do after lockdown.  Why don’t you try creating your own wishing tree.

My wishes would be –

Hug family and friends.

Take my children to the park.

Have a party with family and friends.


I would like you to choose one of the Number Talks challenges below.






Today’s challenge is to make a boat. Get some tin foil make it into a boat shape with a flat square bottom and edges so the water does not spill in. The water should push it up because water is a really strong force that can hold up heavy weights like real ships. Then start adding spoons to your tin foil boat to see how many spoons it can hold before it sinks.  Before you start can you guess how many spoons it will hold before the boat sinks?
As an extension you could weigh the spoons to see how many and how heavy the load is before it sinks.
As a further extension or If you don’t have any tin foil at home you can make your own waterproof paper. Yes that’s right waterproof paper. Get a piece of paper and colour it in with a crayon or a candle. These things make the paper water proof because it creates a barrier between the water and the paper.
Hope you are all well.
Mr McCrudden


Daily Daft

Mrs Docherty

6 thoughts on “Primary 3 Activities”

  1. This afternoon R drew a beautiful tree and on the falling leaves she wrote her wishes for after lockdown. They were –
    To go to the park
    Have her little cousin over for a sleepover
    Go to horse riding
    To have cuddles from granda and her auntie
    To go back to club, dancing and gymnastics
    To go out for lunch.
    Unfortunately the Numbers Talks challeneges link did not work.
    R had lots of fun making boats out of tin foil. She made 3 boats all slightly different. One had deep sides, one had a big floor surface and another one. All three floated in the water but all held different weights of spoons.
    The one with the large floor area and high sides held 196 grams with was 6 teaspoons and 2 tablespoons.
    The one with high sides but not as big a base held 93 grams which was 6 teaspoons and the other held 71 grams.
    R weighed the counted as the spoons were placed on the boats and then weighed them after the boat sunk.
    She also found it amazing that the paper was waterproof after rubbing it with a candle and crayons although she found the crayon one the best as she knew she hadn’t missed any bits die to it being coloured.
    She found the daily daft challenge tricky but not as tricky as yesterday’s one which was really really hard.

  2. Really sorry the number talks link did not work, the images were there on my preview. I love your wishes. I bet Granda and Auntie can’t wait to get a cuddle.

  3. J did a Numeracy Colour Worksheet instead. He really enjoyed the boat making task, he did it with tinfoil and it managed to hold 11 teaspoons safely, sank with the 12th teaspoon.
    He has also read Peter Pan for a square on his Reading Bingo, nearly completed the squares.

  4. Fantastic I will let Mr McCrudden know his task was a big hit. Hope you enjoyed reading Peter Pan. I am pleased to hear you have nearly completed reading bongo, well done you have been working hard.

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