Primary 3 Activites

Good Morning

Mrs Docherty and Mrs Harding would love to hear about the work you have been doing and see pictures of completed tasks.  We now have a Primary 3 email which you can use to keep in touch and share with us your learning.

Please click below for the new Home Learning Grid.

home learning grid 3

Let’s start our day with one of our favourite dances that Miss Walter taught us!


We learned Scottish words that we found in the songs Ye Cannae Shove Yer Granny Aff A Bus and Skinny Malinky.  Today I would like you to listen to the story The Gruffalo read in Scots.  What Scottish words can you hear and what do they mean, write as many as you can

Mrs Docherty

7 thoughts on “Primary 3 Activites”

  1. J enjoyed doing the Move and Freeze video this morning. He also wrote a list of skills he has learnt since he was born from his grid.
    J loves The Gruffalo story, was very entertained by the Scots version and got a big list of words. He knew the meaning for some of them and others we looked them up.

  2. This morning R loved the move and freeze dance and giggled most of the way through it.
    She also enjoyed listening to The Gruffallo in Scots and wrote a long list of words she heard and what she thought the meanings were.
    She completed a times table colour maths sheet and wrote a list of people that she is missing during lockdown and has decided that she would like to make a card or picture for each of them.
    I tried to send over an email with some of the task she has completed since school finished but unfortunately I received a reply saying that teh message was blocked.

  3. Afternoon Miss Docherty ,

    Hope you are well ?

    I have tried to send an email to the address shown with attachment of what we have been up to today , however the email keeps bouncing the error code advises that your anti spam is rejecting my emails . Is there another email address I could try or could this error be resolved ?

    Many thanks

  4. I am glad you enjoyed the freeze dance. It was lovely talking to you earlier. Keep up the hard work!!

  5. Hi it was lovely talking to you earlier. What a lovely idea making cards or pictures for people you miss, I am sure they will love that. Really sorry there seems to be an issue with the new email.

  6. Good afternoon
    Sorry it is a new mail that we have just put out today and there seems to be a problem with it, we hope to have it sorted soon. You can send it to the school office until we solve the problem. I hope you are all well.

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