Primary 3 Activities

Good Afternoon

Here are a few subtraction activities for you to try.

Challenge/Skill level Website links
1.   Subtraction within 10
2. Subtraction within 20
3. Subtract 10 from a number

select 10 and click enter

4. Subtract a 1 digit number from a 2 digit number

select level 2

5. Subtract a tens number from a 2 digit number

you can do this by counting backwards in te off the decuple



Hello Everyone  – We have a fresh challenge for you this week! This week we are building a table. Now like last week you can build it anyway you want. If you want to make it with lego that is ok, or if you want to make a proper table with adult supervision that is ok too. It is your challenge and it is open to how you want to express it. However the way I would like you to make it, is with paper. I would like you to get 4 bits of paper and make 4 tubes to make the four legs. I would then like you to put a large thin material across the top of the four legs. Once you have your table start putting weight on the top. Books are good but you can use what ever you like to add weight.
So to make it clear – 4 bits of paper into tubes, something across the top of the table that is strong and light and thin (like a hard back book). Then add some weight. As an extension please take a photo and measure how much weight the table can hold. I wonder how much it can hold?
Mr McCrudden

Daily Daft

I hope you had fun with yesterdays Daily Daft, today you are going to get dizzy.  Be careful!


Mrs Docherty

5 thoughts on “Primary 3 Activities”

  1. K-L is currently making this as we speak! I will send the photo’s to the school email address.

  2. J said of course use the Wishing Tree for the class and he has added your Restaurant Wish to his tree for one of his wishes.
    He has enjoyed making a Table this afternoon and put pencils, rubbers and keyrings on top to check the weight it could take.
    He managed 16 spins in 30 seconds for the Daft Daily Challenge.
    Finished off with The Superhero Subtraction Game.

  3. R and myself didn’t do to well with the table out of paper tubes. Every time we got to standing the last leg up another one fell over. We had lots of fun trying but it just wasn’t to be. A table out of Lego was much easier.
    R also tried the daily daft challenge and did 19 full turns in 30secs and ended up very dizzy

  4. I am glad you had fun trying I will let Mr McCrudden know. I bet you were very dizzy! I will post more daily dafts next week. I hope you enjoy the long weekend and I will post new activities on Wednesday. Stay safe!

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