Primary 3 Activities

Good Morning

Time to get moving with Jump Start Jonny.


Listening and Talking

Watch Newsround with an adult.  Try to take notes as you are watching.  Think about the important information you hear and write down key words.

Interview a member of your family.  Try to think of what you would like to know about them and write down or record your interview.

Mindfulness – Waves on the ocean

Lie down or sit on a chair with your feet flat on the floor. Put your hands on your tummy and close our eyes. Feel your hands moving up and down in time with your breathing. Pretend your hands are a ship rising and falling on the waves of the ocean.

4 thoughts on “Primary 3 Activities”

  1. J thought Jump Start Jonny was very funny and tiring. He watched Newsround and wrote out 4 Sentences about what he heard. He has also completed some of the Sumdog Challenge.
    J has mentioned lots of things he would like to do when this is all over, mostly simple stuff with family so in this past week we have drawn a wishing tree and he has been writing his wishes on pictures of leaves to stick to it. I thought he could use this as part of his Family Interviews – What would be your 3 Wishes?

  2. This morning R started her day with Jumpstart Johnny, he is certainly a lot louder than Joe Wicks.
    She enjoyed the exercises.
    R then watched Newround with me and took notes. Afterwards I asked her what she had learned whilst watching it and she told em about Spanish lockdown, about International Dance Day and also that Captain Tom Moore was having a very special birthday of 100 years old. R then interviewed both myself and Brian about our jobs.
    She also completed some of her sumdog questions.
    We finished the morning with R practicing mindfulness and enjoyed the quiet

  3. I started my day yesterday doing a workout with Jumpstart Jonny, it was hard work! That is a great recall of information R. I hope you enjoyed your quiet time.

  4. I agree Jumpstart Jonny is very tiring, I joined in with my children yesterday. The wishing tree is a fantastic idea, can I use it with the rest of the class next week? My 3 wishes would be to have a party with family and friends, go to my favourite restaurant and take my children to the park.

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