Primary 3 Activities

Good Afternoon

Here are a few addition games for you to try.

Challenge/Skill level Website links
1.   Number bonds to 10
2.   Doubles Addition
3.   Addition to 20
4.   Add 10 more
5.   2 digit addition
6.   Addition to 100


select number bonds option then add to 100

Obstacle Course

This activity can be done indoors or outdoors using whatever you can find around the house or garden. Your challenge is to build an obstacle course!  Try to incorporate the skills we have been learning into your obstacle course – throwing, catching, jumping and kicking.

After a hard days work time to have some fun with this daily daft activity.

Mrs Docherty

4 thoughts on “Primary 3 Activities”

  1. J imaginary creature is a Kangaroo Dog, he says it can jump as high as the Sky so lives in the clouds and eats dog food with milk. When it blinks it can do Magic Tricks.
    He has completed the Spelling Sumdog Task and enjoyed playing a few of the addition Games especially The Whale and The Mummy ones.

  2. This afternoon R played the maths games that you suggested although not all were suitable to be played on her tablet.
    She also really enjoyed the daily daft activity. She was trying so hard to do it correctly and as quickly as possible. The best time that she managed was 52 seconds.
    We also went out on our allocated hours exercise and have built a Lego vets and animal rescue centre

  3. Oh no that is a shame I am sorry some are not suitable for your tablet. I am glad you enjoyed the daily daft, what a great time you managed! I will add another daily daft this afternoon. I hope you enjoyed your walk. In my house we are enjoying building with lego, I will need to suggest your ideas to my kids.

  4. Fantastic imaginary creature. What imaginary tricks can your Kangaroo Dog do? You could write me an imaginative story about the adventures of Kangaroo Dog. Well done on completing the sumdog spelling challenge.

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