Primary 3 Activities

Good Morning

Lets start the day with Cosmic Kids Yoga.


Make up your own imaginary creature, think about what it would look like, where it lives and what it eats.  Draw and write a description of your character.

Remember to try the challenges on Sumdog.  You also have passwords for IDL and Education City.

Mrs Docherty

6 thoughts on “Primary 3 Activities”

  1. This morning R loved thinking up an imaginary character. She chose a rainbow bull snake. She drew a lovely picture and wrote about it.
    She said that it lives in New York City and likes to eat pink mice and when you go close to it it shoots rainbows out its mouth.
    She also completed the reading blends and tricky words task on Sumdog.
    R has also chosen the literacy task from her home learning grid of making a game with her tricky words.
    She has chosen ten tricky words and written them out twice on sperate pieces of paper and will play pairs with them against me

  2. Fantastic R what a great imagination, I love your imaginary character. Well done on completing Sumdog challenges.

  3. KL is currently sitting writing her imaginary story as we speak. Complete half the challegene on sumdog.

  4. Morning, it is lovely to her from you KL I hope you have been enjoying the tasks on the blog. I am pleased to hear you are doing the challenges on Sumdog, well done! I would love to hear about your imaginary creature.

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