Primary 3 – 28/04/20 AM

Good morning everyone!

This video should get you ready for Literacy:

Last week quite of lot of you managed to log in to and had a go at the grammar challenge I set you. I have made a new challenge for this week so please log in again and give it a go! There is also the spelling challenge from yesterday to complete as well. (The challenges last until Friday.)

Please remember to practise reading your tricky words from your word wall or word list as well.


Following on from yesterday’s post on money, here is a money challenge:

How many different ways can you make the total 20p using different coin combinations?

List them in your blue jotter and comment here with how many ways you could find. HINT: there are a lot!!!

Play this Toy Shop Money Game. Select ‘Mixed Coins’ and then select a total that you are happy working within. If it is too easy, select the next highest total. If it is a bit tricky, you could try a smaller total.

Have a good morning πŸ™‚
Mrs Harding

4 thoughts on “Primary 3 – 28/04/20 AM”

  1. This morning R really enjoyed the exercise, rythm and freeze task. She loved dancing about and following the instructions. We then went over her tricky words without any problems.
    R also made a list of different ways to make up 20p and she came up with a list of 13 different combinations.
    She also played the toy shop money game up to Β£1.
    She completed a ten times table worksheet and also completed more of her maths challenge on Sumdog

  2. That’s great – I can imagine she would like that video!
    Another great Maths morning in your house πŸ™‚
    13 is a lot of different ways…but there are more! Think of all the ways to make 5p and 10p first, then see how that works with 20p.
    Well done to Mum for helping get all this done and working yourself – thank you.
    Mrs Harding

  3. Logan enjoyed the video this morning, completed his challenge due tomorrow and he’s going to have a watch at the music. Breaks up the days doing it this way, while they are working away it means I can do work too 🀣

    Hope everyone is keeping well, one day closer to normality whenever that may be

  4. Well done L and Mum! I’m glad he has been keeping busy and enjoying some of the activities – it can be especially hard if you are trying to work as well. There are always 2 blog posts a day with new ideas, as well as the new Home Learning Grid that was posted on the blog on 20/04/20. If you have any questions at all please ask and we will try to help.
    I hope you are all keeping safe and well at home!
    Mrs Harding πŸ™‚

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