Primary 3 Literacy and PE

Good Morning

Here is a fun activity to start your day!

Write a set of instructions for an activity you have done over the Easter holidays – this could be a game you have played, something you made or built.


I have used capital letters and full stops.

I have used step by step instructions, using first, then, next and last.

I have written clear short sentences, in an order that makes sense.

I have included a picture or diagram.

Mrs Docherty

4 thoughts on “Primary 3 Literacy and PE”

  1. R loved the What’s your name? activity this morning and had great fun doing all the activities associated with the letters of her name.
    R also write a set of instructions on how she made Easter cards during the holidays, including folding card over, drawing pictures, writing a message and writing addresses.
    R also started the maths challenge that has been set in Sumdog

  2. I am really pleased you enjoyed the name activity. Well done writing a set of instructions, did you check your work against the checklist?

  3. J has loved this activity challenge, he also did his surname. He said he will do it again tomorrow and spell out my name.
    We researched Tennis for his Home Learning Grid. He is sad because he was only able to attend one of the Tennis for Kids Classes before they had to be cancelled. He wrote out 5 Facts and drew a cool picture.

  4. I’m glad you enjoyed the name challenge, great idea trying the challenge using other names. That is a shame you only managed to attend one tennis class. I hope you enjoyed learning about tennis.

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