Primary 3 Activities

Good Afternoon

I hope you enjoyed this mornings activities.  This afternoon I would like you to watch a video clip about arrays.


Ask an adult to test you on your 2 times table.  Ask them to time you and see if you can get faster.

Mr McCrudden has challenged you to make a seat.   You need to find 4 tubes /tins/cans/pringles/toilet rolls for the legs and then something to sit on across the top.

Mrs Docherty

2 thoughts on “Primary 3 Activities”

  1. Home Learning Grid – Wellbeing and Fitness – R did circle time with those in the household. She found out that although her mummy was missing routine that she was living to spend extra time with her, she found that B was missing the football but is happy we are all safe, R told us she is missing her friends and clubs and going to play at the park and she can’t wait to go back to horse riding but that she knows why she can’t do these things just now.
    R watched the video on arrays and managed to do the 2 x table in 26 secs after some practice.
    She has been thinking of ideas to make a chair and we will send a picture of this in by email

  2. 26 seconds is a fantastic time, well done! I look forward to seeing the picture of your chair.

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