Primary 3

Good afternoon everyone.

I hope you’ve all had a good morning doing some Maths and Literacy. This afternoon there are some Music and P.E. activities for you all.

As we are unable to attend the Multisports Festival today, I thought you could organise your own mini festival for people who live in your house! Choose a safe space and make plenty of room.

1)Think of 5 different sports activities and set up what you will need for each activity. Each activity should last for 1 minute. (e.g. star jumps, target throwing (ball into a hoop), running on the spot, standing long jump, football skills, plank, sit-ups)

2)Show everybody what to do at each station and when everyone is ready, time them for 1 minute using a watch, clock or phone.

3)Keep a note of how well people do at each station so you can find a winner!

4)Choose how to record your mini festival. For example you could use your blue jotter to write it down, draw a picture/diagram, or take a photo/video.

Mrs Keenan would like you to learn some songs about healthy eating:

Mrs Keenan would also like you to continue practising rhythm reading:

Have a fun afternoon!
Mrs Harding

2 thoughts on “Primary 3”

  1. R loved this afternoon’s task of making up a multi sports day.
    She chose skipping, running, star jumps, ball bouncing and zig zags as her 5 stations. Each person in our house got timed for 1 min at each station and the number completed written in her jotter. R then added up each person’s score from each round and the person with the most win. R also had an zoom ballet class.
    R clapped along in time to the rythm in the rythm reading video that her music teacher set. R says that she lives music with Mrs Kennan

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