Primary 3

Good afternoon!

Here are some activities for you to try this afternoon.

Literacy – Spelling
Log in to and have a go at the spelling challenge I have set for you.

If you are unable to log in to sumdog, pick 8 of your tricky words from your word wall or sheet and practise spelling these. In your blue jotter write today’s date and then write each word 3 times. Next you can pick two other spelling jobs. (e.g. bubble writing, sentences, rainbow writing, pyramid words, draw and label.)

Watch this French video and practise counting forwards and backwards as the children hop. What game does this look like?

If you have a garden and some chalk, draw your own La Marelle and play with someone who lives with you.
Can you think of some other games that you could play in French? Have a go! (e.g. Hide and Seek, Snakes and Ladders…)

Have fun!
Mrs Harding

2 thoughts on “Primary 3”

  1. R has enjoyed watching the bitesize video and says that the children are playing hopscotch. R counted forwards to ten without a problem but struggled a little counting backwards in French.
    R also half of the sumdog spelling challenge and will finish it off over the next couple of days

  2. You are right – it is like Hopscotch! Yes, counting backwards is a little trickier so keep on practising. You could practise as you hop!

    Well done for accessing the spelling challenge 👍

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