P2 – Welcome back!

Monday 20th April

Hello! I hope you had a lovely Easter holiday and didn’t eat too many Easter eggs. We are back to home learning today. Here is a new home learning grid with lots of tasks for you to complete.

home learning grid 2

I will still continue to post other tasks for you to complete each morning and afternoon. Please comment on these posts to tell me how you are getting on. I would love to hear from you!

This morning I would like you to write about your Easter holidays in your jotter. Write a few sentences to tell us what you did to keep busy during your two weeks off. Remember to include what you did, who you did it with and any other interesting information you can think of. Draw a picture too.

I have set up a spelling challenge on Sumdog for you to complete. Log into Sumdog and complete the games based on your groups previous spelling words. I will log in too and see how you are getting on. Good Luck!

Remember to practice your tricky words on your word wall each day with a family member. Try reading the words and if you want a challenge – try to write some too.

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