Primary 1 Literacy/P.E

Good morning boys and girls.

Today for literacy your going to do your daily tasks.

Can you practise the words on your word wall with an adult. How quickly can you say them? How many new words do you know?

Can you play a game of pairs with some of your words from your word wall. Pick 8 words, you will need to make two sets of words so that you can play the game. You can cut up squares of paper and write the words on them.
Turn all the words over so you can not see them, take turns to turn two cards over, saying the tricky word you reveal. If you match the words then you keep the cards. How many pairs can you get?

ng sound – I have created a challenge on sumdog for you to play to practise spelling words with the ng sound in them. Have a try! I will log into sumdog and see how well you are doing.

Reading – sign into oxford owl and read Big Bad Bug again. Can you make a new front cover for the book?


For P.E today why not try some dancing with Oti Mabuse? Here is the link to join in

Keep washing your hands boys and girls.

Keep safe

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia

5 thoughts on “Primary 1 Literacy/P.E”

  1. Hi Miss Beaton. J can’t get into the spelling challenge on Sumdog – when we log in it comes up with the ‘ng words’ challenge, but when we click start, it takes us to the city (with J’s character and animal). If we click ‘play games’, it takes us back to the original home page.
    Can you help?

  2. Ok just tried logging in and doing it myself. I will type to you what I have done which worked in the hope it works for you too.

    once logged in click the tasks flag – then click the ng challenge – then click start on the right hand side of the page – then click next which is also on the right hand side of the page – it should then say the word and you can type it in.

    Let me know if you get it.

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