Primary 3

Natural Art

It’s important to exercise and get some fresh air.  Go on a walk and collect fallen leaves, sticks, petals and use them to make a picture or sculpture.  Remember we would love to see your creations please email them to the school.


Write the 2 times table onto pieces of card.  Turn the pieces of card over and select one at a time.  I would like you to make an array using materials from around the house toy cars, counters, buttons or cheerios.  Remember an array is made up of rows and columns.

You can use this game to explore making different arrays




2 thoughts on “Primary 3”

  1. J started the reading bingo. His 1st book was a rhyming book called Oi Cat.
    He has also drawn some healthy food plates this morning and coloured them as well as cutting some big and small letter words from magazines then he stuck them to card.

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