Primary 1 – Literacy/Easter

Good Morning Primary 1.

I hope your home learning is going well. Remember if we can help with anything or if you are unsure about something we have set you please leave us a comment.

Today we would like you to do a bit of writing to finish of our topic on people who help us in the community. We would like you to tell us about three different services you now know about. As a reminder we have learned about the police, the fire service, lifeboats, the library, doctors and nurses.

Pick three of these people and write one sentence about what they do for their job to help us. Draw a picture to match.

Here are a few example :

The fire service put out fires.

The doctor helps me when I’m sick.

You need to remember to use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. Remember once you are finished your writing you can send us your fantastic work into the school email address.
Please mark it with P1 so it comes to us 🙂
We would also like you to learn about the Easter Story.
Do you know what Easter is and how it is celebrated?
Why do  Christians celebrate Easter? What happens in Holy Week? What food might people eat around Easter?
Here is the link to the video and the story if you would like someone at home to read it to you.
Watch out for the blog this afternoon where you will be set an Easter craft 🙂
10 egg-citing things to do during the Easter holidays - Go North East
Have a lovely day everybody
Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia


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