P1 Maths and Craft

Good afternoon everyone,

For Maths this afternoon we would like you to keep doing your daily task:

  1. Counting forwards to 100. Here is another wee song to help you.

  1. Count backwards from 20. Here is a song counting backwards from 50 that will get you moving!


3. Practise you addition and subtraction facts to 5 or 10.

In your workbook please complete p. 4′ The numbers 6 and 7′.

Remember to take part in the Sumdog challenge that is still running. We can see how well you are doing with it.

And there are still tasks set on Education City. It is much easier to get into now, so why not have a go at the games there too.


For our craft this afternoon, you have a choice. Why not boil an egg and decorate it. Or design an egg on a piece of paper or card. We would love to see all your pictures so keep sending them into the school email, marked P1. wlpolkemmet-ps@westlothian.org.uk

If you have a spare moment, you could also go visit the animals in Edinburgh Zoo by watching them using the live cameras. Love the cheeky penguins and can you spot the tiger, its pretty tricky…


Stay safe

Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton

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