Primary 1 – P.E/literacy

Good morning Primary 1,

We hope you have had a nice weekend and kept yourself safe.

Remember you can join in with Joe Wicks to get your day started.

Today for literacy we have set you tasks that can be completed daily.

Here are your tasks:

Can you sign into Oxford Owl and read the book Big Bad Bug. Here is the link.

Once you have read the book you can complete the activities that go along with it.

This week we would like to you focus on the ng sound. Can you listen to this video to help you blend the ng sound.

Can you remember the action for ng?

Today can you draw a picture of something with the ng sound in it, and then write a sentence to match. Remember your capital letters, full stops and finger spaces.

Keep practising your words from your word wall. How quickly can you say them? How many can you say?

Pick a page from your handwriting booklets. Remember to take you time whilst completing this. If you have a green and pink pencil you can self assess your work. Circle only one green for growth and one pink for perfection.

We hope you have a lovely morning. Remember to leave a comment  and let us know what you have been doing! Also any pictures email them into


Stay safe,

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia

5 thoughts on “Primary 1 – P.E/literacy”

  1. Hi Miss Beaton,
    Sorry if we have missed it before, but how do you sign in to Oxford books? J doesn’t seem to have an username in the front of his blue folder for that one?

  2. Great thanks, we are in now!

    Are you receiving any photos from us yet? I tried again using the computer rather than my phone?

  3. Super, there are lots of books there to enjoy!
    I will get admin to check the email address you sent them too, and will let you know 🙂

  4. Hi, we haven’t received your email this time, would you be able to try to send the email again. Thank you

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