Primary 1 – Maths

Good morning Primary 1.

Last post of the day! We can’t believe it is already Friday. It has been a strange week not seeing all your smiley faces, but it has been lovely setting you challenges. It is nice receiving pictures of what you have been doing and reading your comments on the blog. Please continue to do this as it makes Mrs Melia and I smile!

Last job for the day – we would like you to practice telling the time. Last week we were learning about o’clock. Can you tell someone at home where the big hand needs to point when it is o’clock?

Try this game at home to practise telling the time

I have also set you a challenge on Education City to complete the o’clock times.

Happy Friday everyone! Hope you have a lovely weekend. We will see you here again on Monday at 9.30!

Stay safe

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia

5 thoughts on “Primary 1 – Maths”

  1. Good morning.
    – enjoyed drawing task this morning and wrote a few words too, picture was sent for you to have a look at. Currently on a short break to have a snack and will do the education city task soon.

    Have a great weekend everyone, or at least try to.

  2. Good Morning! 🙂
    Can’t wait to see your picture! Makes me very proud when I see everyone’s hard work.
    Enjoy your snack. I will go onto education city and see how you are doing!
    Thank you , Have a nice weekend too and stay safe 🙂

  3. Was unable to complete education city on friday as it says cant be completed on a tablet form.

  4. Sorry the wrong one was attached to the task, I have now changed it if you would like to do it at any point 🙂

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