
Good Morning Primary 1,

We hope you have had a good week and kept safe. On a Friday we would normally do Jigsaw for our Health and Wellbeing. We have been learning about how to keep our bodies and minds healthy and how to stay safe. Do you remember the ‘If your healthy and you know it’ song? Can you sing it to someone in your house with the actions. Here is a wee reminder:

(To the tune of ‘if your happy and you know it’)

If your healthy and you know it, wash your hands, wash, wash

If your healthy and you know it, wash your hands, wash, wash

If your healthy and you know it, and you really want to show it, if your healthy and you know it wash your hands.

Other verses include ‘eat some fruit, munch, munch’, ‘drink some water, glug, glug’, ‘walk to school, march, march’, ‘ get some sleep, snore, snore’. Remember the actions!

In your blue jotter we would like you to draw a picture of you keeping healthy and happy. Underneath you can write what you do to keep healthy and happy, for example

I am doing PE with Joe. I am eating an apple. I am washing my hands. 

Remember to add lots of detail to your picture. Draw where you are keeping healthy and happy, who is with you and what you are doing. When you are writing try to sound out your words.

Come back at about 10:30 to see your next blog.

Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton


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