Tricky Words
Now it’s time to have fun with our tricky words. Write your words on pieces of paper/card and create your own game of BANG. You will also need to write the word BANG several times. Turn the words over so you can’t see them. With a family member take it in turns to turn over a word and read it out. If you read it correctly then you keep the word. If you pick a BANG card you will need to return all your cards. The person with the most words is the winner. Good luck!
Sentence Time!
Choose 5 of your tricky words and write a sentence for each. Underline your tricky words. Remember to check your sentences for capital letters and full stops. It would be lovely to read your sentences so please post them in the comments.
Reading Challenge
Read to a teddy or stuffed animal.
We enjoyed playing the Tricky Words Bang Game, I kept getting Bang words so _ won. He also made up some good sentences with his Tricky words.
He had FUN building a tower but also frustrated at it falling over. Sadly, can’t put photos up.
This afternoon _ has enjoyed the work set.
We enjoyed playing the tricky word game and she also wrote 5 sentences using tricky words – solve, soil, ride, surprise and sleep.
She especially loved building a tower. She used her Lego for this
Well done you have had a busy afternoon. You could try writing a few silly sentences with your tricky words or draw a secret picture.
Aw poor mum you will need to challenge him to another game! Next you could try to write silly sentences using your tricky words or hide them in a secret picture.