

Hope you have all had a lovely morning.

For Maths this afternoon we would like you to continue to practise you addition and subtraction facts to 5. Do you know them off by heart?

In your maths workbook complete page 2 Betty’s Cafe: The Story of 6. You have been working really hard in class with your addition and can do this with little support. Remember the box after the = is where you write how many there are altogether. You can use your fingers or anything else to help you answer the ‘Do the sums’ section.

Log into Sumdog, a challenge has been set for you to work on today. Good luck!


For our topic can find out about how the library helps us in our community. Do they only lend books or do they do other things?  Can you find out about three things that you can do in the Library?


See you back here tomorrow morning with some more activities. Keep using your home learning grids too.

Stay safe,

Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton




8 thoughts on “P1”

  1. I haven’t been able to get access to education city. It says log in details are incorrect.

  2. Hi Miss Beaton,
    We have been having fun at “home school”. I have done the story of 6 page in my workbook and I did the sentence page this morning, mummy said I struggled a bit with ‘d’ and ‘g’ but I tried really hard. Hope you aren’t missing me too much 🤣🌈

  3. Hi,

    If you try to sign in again, it might be due to the high volume of people using it. Hope you are having a nice day. Sounds like you are working hard.

  4. Super. You are working super hard. I got an email from teach your monster to read to say how well you were doing on that too! Gold star for you!

  5. Hi! Well done, sounds like you are working really hard at home which is lovely to hear! Missing you keeping me right throughout the day. Bit strange working at home and not having you all to make me smile! It is lovely to hear from you to let me know what you have been doing.
    Have a lovely evening. Miss Beaton 🙂

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