P3 Numeracy

Good Afternoon

I hope you have enjoyed keeping active this morning.  Here are  a few songs to help you practice your 2 times table and doubles.  Then ask an adult to test you.  You can also log onto Sumdog and try to complete the Money Challenge.   Mrs Harding has also set you literacy tasks on Education City.

Happy Singing!

Mrs Docherty

2 thoughts on “P3 Numeracy”

  1. _ had fun today doing the money challenges on sumdog and also the tasks set in education city although she could only do two of these as she was using it on her tablet and the other 3 weren’t compatabe.
    We made Easter cards as well and read Mary Poppins and some tricky words
    She loved dance with Oti again

  2. Well done on completing the money challenges on Sumdog. I will be setting you new challenges soon. I hope you enjoyed dancing with Oti, I am going to try and learn the Shrek dance today. Great work learning your tricky words, lookout this afternoon for an activity you can try with them.

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