Primary 3

Good Morning Primary 3!

Congratulations for finding the blog!

I hope you have all had a lovely weekend and are all safe and well. Please remember you have your Home Learning Grid in your red folders. I have attached a copy of the grid here in case you have not got it. I would love to see all of your amazing efforts! Please try to comment to this post any photos of work you have completed 🙂

home learning grid

If you have any questions please comment and I will try to help.
Mrs Harding

2 thoughts on “Primary 3”

  1. Today we made a fact sheet all about cheetahs.
    She drew a lively picture and write 5 interesting facts. This was from the P3 March Home Learning Grid.
    Unfortunately we can’t post pictures with our comment.

  2. Fantastic! It sounds like you have been finishing off your animal research project at home 🙂

    If you enjoyed it, you could research a topic of your choice and make a new project. You could present it as a poster or an information report.

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