We have been noticing the changes that are happening in the environment around us. The leaves are starting to fall off the trees and change colour, the weather has changed also and we have noticed it becoming a bit windy! We have also started to harvest the potatoes that we have grown in our garden.
BOOST words are good words for helping your child with their talking, listening and later with their reading and writing skills. The BOOST words are more ‘grown up words’ and they are chosen from the story books we read.
BOOST words help children to explain their own ideas and thoughts better when they are talking and learning to read.
How do we teach the words at nursery?
We first read the story. The words we want to teach the children are in the story and as we read the story we pick out the BOOST words and talk about the meanings after we have read the story. We use the words lots of times because this is how children learn and the repetition helps children to remember the words and their meanings.
Word BOOST is a 2 weekly programme, in the first week we read and become familiar with the story and the 4 words identified as BOOST words, in the second week we do activities about the story to help us remember the story and the BOOST words.
At home you can support your child by practicing the words and using them in your everyday play and chat. If your child is participating in the word BOOST programme you will have seen Mrs Glidden’s introduction video on your childs Learners Journal.
Week One – 6th September 2021:
This week we have been reading ‘The selfish Crocodile’ story. Please see the link below:
We had “newbies” join our nursery family in April. This sparked unwavering interest and learning in the minibeasts that could be found around our garden.
We are delighted to have been awarded our 3rd Green Flag from Eco Schools Scotland. This award is a real recognition of the important work and learning that has been happening across the Early Years Centre and how our youngest learners are developing as responsible citizens within society.
Our youngest learners priority this term has to clean up our community.
Have a look at what we have been up to.
This week @KnightsridgeEYC our youngest learners priority has been to clean up our community. We have categorised the litter we have found and discussed what will happen if we don’t bin it and what we can do to help our environment. #litter#reducereuserecyle ♻️@EcoSchoolsScot pic.twitter.com/EO4pRvwYlu
A little Sunday night reflection before looking forward to the week ahead @KnightsridgeEYC. Spring is such a wonderful context that naturally supports our young learners in developing early language, literacy, maths and numeracy skills.🌸🌱🕷🐌🌈 #vocabulary#curiosity#inquirypic.twitter.com/8Ewua0dGdZ