Home Learning Activities Thursday 26th March 2020

Lets Get Outside!

If you’re out playing in the garden or going on a walk take a bag and collect a variety of natural items and try these activities.

Match and sort. Collect a variety of items. Can you sort them by size colour and shape?

Create a pattern. Once you have sorted your items could you use them to create a simple or even a complex pattern?

Transient art. Can you continue to use your collected items to create your own art work on the ground? A slab could be your “paper”. You could make a self-portrait, a whole family portrait, your favourite animal, a house or even a vehicle.

Remember to post a picture of your learning to your online learner journal under the Home Learning Achievements tab.

Our Learning w/e 30th August 2019

We’ve had a fabulous week exploring our environment and getting back into our routines.

We’ve welcomed many new friends and are looking forward to playing and learning with them.

Now that we’re playing for longer we are reviewing our snack menu and trying new things to taste that will help us be a Healthy Harry. 

This week we have made our own cheesy sticks to have with our Sticks and Dips snack.  Have a look at our iClip to see what we’ve been up to.


Next week Mrs Olford will start reading us stories that will support our developing vocabulary.  We will then be able to listen to these stories on our Youtube Channel.

Keep up to date with our daily learning via Twitter @KnightsridgeEYC @GillianOlford


Storytime at KEYC

We are getting excited as its only 2 sleeps until we return to play at Nursery.

We can’t wait to see out returning learners at either 8.00am or 1.15pm on Wednesday 21st August.

To get you in the mood why don’t you have a listen to Mrs Olford read a story about one of our favourite characters, Alfie, at Nursery School.

Scan the QR Code below which will take you direct to our Youtube Channel.  Please Subscribe to our Channel to keep up to date with our stories, songs and rhymes that will support your child’s learning.

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