Monday 15th June 2020

Have you been on our Youtube Channel recently?

Did you notice that our second Rhyme Time Session was posted to our channel last week?

If not have a look and join in with our songs and rhymes all about animals. You can find it by following the link below or scanning our QR code.

Let us know if you have a favourite song or rhyme that you would like us to include in our next session.

Have fun and enjoy!
Mrs Olford

Monday 15th June

Good Afternoon Everyone

Today’s challenge comes from Mrs Farquhar. Mrs Farquhar loved Mrs Glidden’s FORCES challenge so much that she has challenged us to use paint, a straw and different forces of blowing to create patterns and pictures. See pictures  below.


Can you do it? Have a go and share your learning with us on your learners journal

Have fun!
Mrs Olford

Thursday 11th June

Good morning everyone

Today’s STEM activity comes from Mrs McNee. Mrs McNee loves to build things and she has challenged us to build a shape but use things that we would not normally use.

You will need

Cocktail sticks or Kebab sticks or Plastic Straws
Peas or Mini Marshmallows or Jelly Tots or Jelly Beans

The challenge is to build a 3D structure using only these items. Can your structure move? You can see some examples below

Can you do it? What about the others that live in your house, can they do it too? Have a go and remember to share your learning with us on your Learners Journal.

Have Fun!
Mrs Olford

Wednesday 10th June

Good Morning everyone

Did you try Mrs Glidden’s FORCES Challenge? Did you notice what happened when you blew gently and when you blew harder?

Today Mrs Prentice has a challenge for you using the Dry Wipe or Whiteboard Marker that was in your learning pack. If you didn’t get a learning pack you can use any Dry Wipe Marker.

Have a look at the video on your Learners Journal and try for yourself.

Remember to share a picture of your learning on you Learners Journal.

Have Fun!
Mrs Olford

Monday 8th June 2020

Good Morning Everyone!

This week it’s STEM Week at Knightridge Early Years Centre

All of our activities this week will help develop our curiosity, our inquiring mind and our problems solving skills.

Mrs Glidden has posted the first of our activities on your Learners Journal.  Do you know what Forces are?  Why do you have a look at the activity and find out more.

Remember to share your learning on your Learners Journal.


Have Fun

Mrs Olford

Wednesday 3rd June 2020

Good Afternoon Everyone!

I hope you all enjoyed Sports Day activities yesterday.  We have been collecting all your photographs and will post them for all to see at the end of the week.

We all love reading a variety of books but I do sometimes wonder how the illustrator decides what to draw and how to draw the characters.

I’ve been watching Emily MacKenzie draw her famous character Granville and decided I need to try and draw a Granville for myself.

Can you watch the Authors Live video from Emily MacKenzie and draw your own Granville?

I have used the pen and whiteboard from my learning pack but you can use paper, pens, crayons, or even chalk on the pavement.

Have fun and remember to take a picture and share your learning with us on your learners journal.

Mrs Olford

Monday 1st June 2020

Good Afternoon Everyone!

Have you been having fun in the sun?

Earlier this morning I uploaded a video to your learners journal on how to play Roll and Write.

Mrs McNee, Mrs Glidden and Mrs Pitblado have all been having a go in the garden.

Mrs Glidden used water and a paintbrush, Mrs McNee used paper and pen and Mrs Pitblado used chalk.

What did your use and what patterns did you make?

Share your learning with us by uploading a picture to your Learners Journal.

Look out for tomorrow’s Sports Day activities.  Details will be added to your Learners Journal in the morning.

Have Fun!
Mrs Olford


Friday 29th May 2020

Good Morning Everyone!


What a week of learning we have had this week!  We have continued with our traditional tales and have focused on Goldilocks, matching, sorting and ordering size.

We also received our learning packs full of activities and resources to support our learning.  Mrs Olford, Mrs McNee, Mrs Pitblado and Mrs Duffy will add more activities using these resources to our Learning Journals next week.

Next Tuesday would have been our annual Sports Day on the Vennie field.  So, get your trainers dusted off and get ready for sporting challenges!  Details will be  added to your learners journal next week.

Mrs Olford and Mrs Woods will also be launching our new Rhyme Time sessions on Thursday.  More information to follow…..

Remember to take a photograph and share your learning on your Learners Journal.


Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Olford






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