Our Learning week beginning 22nd January 2018

Wow, what a fantastic week we have had learning about our Scottish culture and heritage.

Our Scottish themed snacks have had such a variety of flavours, some of which we like and some we really don’t like!  We have tasted Porridge, home made Scotch Broth, Cranachan, Oatcakes and Cheese and of course, Haggis Neeps and Tatties.



We have also enjoyed listening to Scottish Country Dance Music as well as the Pipes and Drums.  We watched videos of highland dancers and tried of copy some of their moves.  Mrs Olford, Miss Nelson and Mrs Prentice also taught us steps used in familiar Scottish Country Dances.  We have uploaded some of the videos to our Learner Journals.

We have also been practicing our favourite Scottish songs.  Can you guess which one this is?

Next week during Stay, Learn and Play we will practice our songs further with our carers as well as continue learning rhymes and identify the rhyming words.




Our Learning week ending 8th December

Oh my, what a magical week we have had!

On Thursday 30th November, Holly and Olly the Christmas Kindness Elves landed in our playroom with their little house, the story of their life and an abundance of glitter everywhere!

Since then, each day, we have received a different book to celebrate our countdown to Christmas.

We have loved opening the presents and listening to the stories we have received.


In addition to our new books we have had a daily suggestion of how we can spread a little kindness to our friends.

We have been passing a smile to friends

Using our manners and being polite….

and writing thank you cards and letters to those who help us.

We can’t wait to see what next week brings.

If you would like to have a look at all our learning with Holly and Olly you can find our storybook next to our Learning Wall in the large playroom.


Our Learning week ending 17th November 2017

Our Learning Week Ending 17th November 2017

This week our learning of fire safety and stranger danger has extended into Road Safety.  Whilst playing outside with the bikes and cars we have been practicing stopping at the Zebra crossing and allowing the pedestrians to cross safely.

We had lots of discussion about different road signs and what they mean.  We have learned that all print has meaning and we have been practicing “reading” pictures to gain information.

Next week is Road Safety week and we will be going out and about in our community practicing our Road Safety skills.

We have been hard at work learning Ziggy’s Road Safety Song and next week we hope to record our rendition for you to hear.  Watch this space for our video!



Our Learning week ending 29th September 2017

This week we have continued with our learning about Autumn

We have been investigating trees and learning to name different parts of the tree.  We have been looking at the different leaves and seeds that have fallen from trees.  The conker shells are very spikey and jaggy but inside the shells are soft and smooth but the conker is hard and smooth.  Ava decided that the Sycamore seeds are just like fidget spinners!

The apples have also fallen from the apple tree in our garden.

We have been gathering the fallen apples and picking others to cook and taste.  We used our fine motor skills to manipulate the knives and chop the apples before cooking them into tasty stewed apples.

We have many more apples on our tree so next week we will be trying different apples recipes.



Our Learning Week Ending 15th September 2017

Week Ending 15th September 2017

This week we had a fabulous time celebrating numerical and mathematical learning.  We all participated in a variety of play experiences that supported our learning both indoor and outdoors.

Our Number Roadshow on Thursday was a huge success and gave many parents and carers ideas on how to support number and mathematical learning both at home and out and about in the community.

Examples of our learning can be viewed in our SWAY. Please click on the link below



Next week we will be looking for signs of Autumn and changes in the seasons.



Our Learning week ending 8th September 2017

What another fabulous week of learning we have had this week.

We have continued to search our vegetable patch and have found more potatoes, carrots and onions ready to be harvested.

Once dug out of the ground we have washed, peeled and chopped the vegetables to try at snack time.  They are definitely tastier that shop bought vegetables!


We are now on Pumpkin Patch Watch.  The buds have blossomed and we are now waiting for them to wilt back and allow the fruits to grow.  Next week we will start to use our measuring skills to measure the growth of the pumpkins.  Hopefully we get a few to carve at Halloween.

We are excited to be celebrating Scottish Maths Week next week.  Parents and carers are invited to come along to our Number Roadshow on Thursday 14th September 10.30am – 1pm to find out how to support and develop early number learning at home and in the community.

Our Learning Week Ending 1st September 2017

What an exciting week we have had in our garden harvesting potatoes and carrots.  We had to use our strength and force to pull them from the ground.  As we held on to each other we were reminded of the story “The Enormous Turnip” especially when we fell onto the ground.  We plan to taste our vegetables next week at snack time.

We also found “Magic Beans” that we have decided to plant and watch grow.  We have used clear Greehouse bags so we can see the roots and shoots growing.  You can find them on the garden window.


We have been continuing to care for Miss Polly’s dolly, making sure she is clean and safe from germs.  We think she may be better now!

Next week we will be continuing to harvest our garden vegetables, tasting what we have pulled from the soil and finding out more about “The Enormous Turnip” story.



Our Learning W/e 25th August 2017

Week ending 25th August 2017

What a busy first week back it has been!  Our children have returned happy to see their friends and have been excellent, responsible role models when welcoming our new children.  Many new friendships are beginning to blossom!

We have been reading Jack and the Beanstalk, as similar to Jack our garden vegetables are slightly overgrown!  We have used different painting techniques to create our own beanstalk for our story corner and used our story spoons to retell the story in our own words.

Have a look at Arabella’s fabulous Giant’s Castle.  Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum!


We have been reminding ourselves of our healthy hygiene routines of washing our hands and brushing our teeth.  We have been practicing with the doll’s in the sink and water tray whilst singing Miss Polly had a Dolly.

Please pick up a copy of the words from Our Learning Wall.


Next week we will be continuing with our learning in the garden as we begin to identify the vegetables ready to harvest.

Summer 2017

Come Along and Enjoy our  Parent and Child Groups this Summer


Monday afternoon – In-Betweenies

Tuesday morning – Baby Massage

Tuesday afternoon  – Baby PEEP

Wednesday afternoon – Baby Drop In

Thursday morning – PEEP 3 and Siblings

Thursday afternoon – In-Betweenies

Friday morning – All Stars


Contact Lynn or Jenni for more information

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