Thursday 7th May 2020

Good Morning Everyone!

The weather was so sunny and warm yesterday that I decided that it would be a good day to release our butterflies into the garden.  We had 8 Painted Lady butterflies. Have a look at the pictures and the video.  Look at how pretty their wings are.  Do you notice that they have a beautiful pattern on both sides which is the same. This is call a symmetrical pattern.

Your challenge today is to make a symmetrical patterned butterfly.  Mrs Glidden, Mrs Pitblado,  Mrs Prentice and Mrs Duffy have made symmetrical patterns to give you some ideas.

Remember to share you learning with us on by uploading pictures to your Learners Journal.

Have Fun
Mrs Olford

Wednesday 6th May 2020

Good Morning Everyone!

We have butterflies!   Our butterflies began to emerge over the weekend and we now have 8.  Have a look at their pretty colours. These butterflies are called Painted Lady butterflies because of the special colours and patterns they have. Can you how remember each stage of the butterfly life cycle? They have metamorphosed from an egg to a caterpillar to a chrysalis and now to a butterfly.

Your challenge today is to create a picture of the life cycle of a butterfly.

You can use natural materials, household items or even draw or paint.  Its up to you!  Have a look at ours below.

Please share your learning with us on your learners journal.

Have Fun!
Mrs Olford


Friday 1st May 2020

Good Morning Everyone!

Today is the beginning of a new month but do you know what month is it?

Have you been continuing to sing our Days of the Week, Months of the Year and Season songs ?  These are important songs as they help us learn all about the cycle of time.

Have a look at the clips below and try to join in and sing-a-long

Days of the Week –


Months of the Year –

Seasons of the Year –

Have fun!

Mrs Olford

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