This week the children continue to harvest apples from our nursery garden. some of the girls went on an Apple Walk with Mrs McNee to collect apples in preparation for washing, chopping, tasting and using them for baking activities throughout our the week in nursery.
Following this our walk, we stewed the apples to have for snack which we then tasted and thought were delicious with custard!
The children were very excited when Oliver brought in plums from his very own plum tree at home. We decided to wash and prepare Oliver’s plums to have along with our snack and use the remaining plums for a baking activity, where we worked together to make Apple and Plum Crumble.
Together we enjoyed the challenge of following the recipe, measuring out ingredients and chopping the apples and plums. We then enjoyed tasting our plum and apple crumble at group time.
To celebrate Maths Week Scotland we took part in a variety of different activities to develop our numerical and mathematical knowledge.
We plan to share our learning with our parents and carers at our next Stay, Learn and Play session.