Practitioner Enquiry


From February to October this year, I worked on a Practitioner Enquiry into my own classroom teaching. This course was organised by the West Lothian EIS Learning Reps, in partnership with West Lothian Council, and carried an award of Professional Recognition from the GTCS.

The course was taught by Dr Gillian Robinson from the University of Edinburgh and focused on renewing teachers’ thinking about theories of learning and modelled the process of practitioner enquiry. Throughout the course I was mentored by West Lothian teachers who are former participants and Chartered Teachers. As part of my final assessment, I shared my findings by way of a presentation to peers on the course as well as practitioners from across the country.

My enquiry was on the use of technology in the classroom, specifically on how to use it in a more meaningful way than I believe is common at the moment.  The process of carrying out this activity led me to expand and alter my pedagogies and practice, as well as sharing a number of new ideas with colleagues.  My presentation powerpoint can be found at the link below.

Here: mackenzie ICT presentation October 2015

Steven MacKenzie

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