Community Action in Housing

Yesterday I attended a meeting with Mark Reid from the Chartered Institute for Housing along and Linda Hunter of the Wheatley Group and staff from St.Rochs, Knightswood and Smithycroft High Schools to discuss the new course which I will be teaching this year, ‘Community Action in Housing’.

This was a fantastic opportunity to allow me to meet other teachers and staff from the awarding bodies to discuss approaches for the teaching of this course as well as looking into the methods for and changes to assessment for this award. As a new course it is essential for me to engage with others to share best practice in order that the pupils can get as much from this course as possible.

The class this year will be running for a small group of pupils in S5/6 and aims to give pupils an insight into the wider world of work through engaging with Social Housing and Community Groups, helping prepare them for either future studies or the workplace and provide positive destinations at the end of their school careers with the prospect of a possible apprenticeship with the Wheatley Group.


Stuart Sharp

BOCSH Conference – Teaching and Learning Conversations: Inveralmond May 2015

Today I had the pleasure of attending the BOCSH conference on teaching and learning held at Inveralmond. It was a privilege to be able to meet and engage with such inspirational practitioners examining a wide range of areas of practice. The highlights for me were as follows:

Tracking and Monitoring across the BGE: This session was led by Faith Bateman from St. Andrew’s HS in Glasgow and examined how the Social Subjects faculty had worked collaboratively to moderate assessments to ensure standards were consistent. They are already engaging with RAG as terms for progress and involving learners in conversations to track their progress against both skills and SAL (this was reflected in a later presentation by Joanne Ramsay from St. Joseph’s Academy in Kilmarnock who had some very interesting ideas for how to aid learner reflection). They are looking at creating a ‘Standard for St. Andrew’s’ folder to use as a teaching aid to allow learners to see what would constitute a level 4 piece of work before embarking on a task. There was plenty of discussion around moderation and both the benefits and issues of this as a task now requiring embedding within BGE practice.

I also attended a short presentation on the notion of ‘flipped classrooms’ led by Jade Hunter from Preston Lodge HS Maths department. She has been experimenting for around a year and a half with colleagues on how to best implement a flipped approach, focusing on an existing two year Higher class to do this. She has created a series of 5 to 7 minute presentations which are held on a department website. Learners access these the night prior to a lesson and can then get started immediately on activities and extension tasks for the most able. Any pupils who do not complete this have access to the materials in class, allowing more attention for those prepared and ready to go. There does seem to be a fairly high front-loaded component to the preparation of this approach but would reduce some preparation in the longer term and has led to increased engagement within the classes being piloted.

Overall, it was an incredibly inspiring day and it is clear that the BOCSH group has a lot to offer those wishing to consider emerging approaches and effective and inspiring ways to engage learners and bridge the gap.

Stephen Small

CPD Bulletin 26th May

Funded and part funded Postgraduate professional learning opportunities with University of Stirling Information Session Wednesday 27th May St. Margaret’s Academy 4.15pm


Dr Valerie Drew from the University of Stirling will outline the structure of the new MSc Professional Education and Leadership programme and Postgraduate Certificate pathways enrolling for Autumn 2015.

Valerie will outline the various options available to meet individual professional learning interests and career aspirations including the Postgraduate Certificates in Extending Professional Practices, Curriculum, Middle Leadership and Coaching and Mentoring.

Options are available for participants who already hold  Postgraduate Certificates or a Diploma including the SQH.

Information on how the new Postgraduate Certificate in Middle Leadership pathway links with the new Specialist Qualification for Headship will also be explored.

Details of the application process will be outlined during the session.

MSc Professional Education & Leadership – programme and pathways

Anyone wishing to apply is encouraged to attend the session and should contact me beforehand for further details regarding funding, etc.

Kind regards,
Ann McLean
Professional Update Development Officer

Youth Achievement Awards

On Thursday 21st May I attended a Youth Achievement Awards assessor training event. This event allowed me to take the first step in becoming an assessor for the school and the youth achievement awards. To become a fully qualified assessor I will need to attend 1 more event and externally verify award folders from all over Scotland. This will have great benefits to the S1 inspire learning program (ILP) as it allows me to have a deeper understanding of the requirements in meeting the standards for the Dynamic Youth Awards (DYA) which the S1 pupils will achieve this year through the ILP. This award requires S1 pupils to build on skills they have used across the curriculum and it links very strongly with building learning power which several members of staff are interested in taking forward in the school.


Mr J.McNee

SQA Verification Event 14/5/15-15/5/15

The event held at Stirling University over two days was a critical engagement in the standards required to meet the AV unit in National 4 Physics. This expertise is crucial in maintaining across the sciences standrads both locally and nationally. This knowledge will be shared with fellow physicists at the next inset in West Lothian in the new academic session.

Vic Bethune

Building learning Power

A group of teachers met this week to discuss how we can implement Building Learning Power theory (Guy Claxton) into our classrooms and across the school. We all have one of these posters in our classroom- but do we know how to use it???
Building learning power is about helping young people to become better learners, both in school and out. It is about creating a culture in classrooms – and in the school more widely – that systematically cultivates habits and attitudes that enable young people to face difficulty and uncertainty calmly, confidently and creatively.


By identifying learning behaviours at the start of a lesson, alongside your learning intentions, you can help pupils understand the broader life skills they learn in the classroom. Using this poster to help you identify key skills area is the first step, then getting pupils to reflect on how well they did at the end of the lesson is the next step. A group of teachers are going to trial a reflection grid with students over the next month to see how it may help pupils understand the soft skills that they are developing. Interested in getting involved? Please send me an email (Jen McKenna), or read more on our West Lothian Blog:

Want to make your classroom a BLP classroom? Take a look at these displays for some inspiration…
blp wall

joe mcnee

WL Coaching Diploma – Briefing Meeting

There will be a briefing meeting for all interested staff about the WL Coaching Diploma which will be on offer next session instead of the WL Introduction to Leadership course. These two courses will now alternate annually.

Details of the briefing meeting:

Date: Tuesday 9 June
Time: 4-5pm
Venue: Theatre/auditorium Deans Community High School
Target audience: staff who carry out PRDs and staff who aspire to posts which involve carrying out PRDs

Further details should be available in the CPD unit’s system.

I’ve also attached the WL Coaching Diploma Application Form for the actual course in case anyone can’t come along to the briefing.

Professional Development Workshop

I was browsing on-line last night and came across this event that is happening in Grangemouth in November based around practitioner enquiry. At the moment they are just seeking people who wish to present but will open it up to anyone who wants to attend in the future once the program is finalised. Thought it might appeal to some staff across the school?


CPD Bulletin 4th May

In this Bulletin;

• SQA School Co-ordinator Conferences 2015

• Results Services: Exceptional Circumstances Consideration Service

• Malpractice in internally-assessed qualifications

• NQ Verification: support for ‘Not Accepted’ decisions

• Importance of maintaining confidentiality

• HN centre/candidate surveys 2014–15

• HN Science Launch Event

• Upcoming NQ key dates

Continue reading CPD Bulletin 4th May