Inveralmond Early Years Centre and Ladywell Nursery School

September 6, 2019
by Ms Pilmer
Comments Off on 9th September

This week in IEYC we have been very busy exploring mini beasts.  Lots of children have been taking part in table top games learning to follow rules and take turns.  We have been drawing a variety of bugs inside and out.  We have also made some with dough showing off our counting skills as we added the legs to different insects.

We introduced some real insects (grasshoppers, crickets and meal worms) which were a great hit with the children.  Lots of conversations and discussions were had.  Some children amazed the adults with their incredible knowledge here.

We hope the weather is good over the weekend and you are able to go on your own mini beast hunts.  Please share your experiences with us.

August 29, 2019
by Ms Pilmer
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A very warm welcome to all of our returning and new children.  We hope you all had a lovely summer.

We also welcome some new staff members to our team.    We are all working hard to learn the Nursery rules and routines.

This week we have been busy mini beast hunting.  The children have been collecting sticks and leaves to build a bug hotel in the garden.  Some children have been making houses at the junk modelling for bugs that live in their own gardens.  We plan to take this forward in our floorbook providing a variety of opportunities to promote mathematical and literacy development.  Please come and have a look through our floorbook.   We would love to see parental contributions here.

Enjoy the weekend.   You may even have time for your own mini beast hunt.


June 21, 2019
by User deactivated
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This week in Ladywell Nursery School the boys and girls have had fun exploring in our wild life garden. They enjoyed looking for minibeasts using magnifying glasses and could name some that they found.


June 21, 2019
by Ms Pilmer
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This week in Inveralmond we have been looking forward to going on holiday.  The children have been role playing packing and going on holidaya and being travel agents.  They have been building their own cars and aeroplanes to take them to their destination.  At snack we have been learning about where different foods are enjoyed.  The children have thoroughly enjoyed making and tasting a variety of foods such as potatoe curry, pizza, croissants and frittata.

Our caterpillars are now in their cocoons so hopefully we will have butterflies next week.

June 17, 2019
by Ms Pilmer
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The children have thoroughly enjoyed their visits to the Primary Schools.  They have taken it in their stride and were confident and happy when in the classrooms.

June 14, 2019
by User deactivated
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This week in Ladywell Nursery School the boys and girls have had fun helping to paint our cable reels.  When finished one will have the alphabet and numbers to further develop literacy and numeracy and the other is going to be a fairy garden to further develop imaginative play.

June 14, 2019
by User deactivated
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This week in Ladywell Nursery School the boys and girls have taken part in an art activity creating beehives using different materials.   This came about after a child was showing interests in looking at photographs of beehives.   They used paint to paint over bubble wrap that was in the shape of a beehive.  Later they then drew around their beehive with a black pen and glued a door onto their beehives. Here they are being busy bees.


June 14, 2019
by Ms Crichton
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Ladywell and Inveralmond-June 14th

The children in both nurseries have been busy preparing  some plants to sell at the

Funday on Sunday June 16th between 11a.m. and 2p.m. at Harrysmuir Primary School.

We decided to recycle tin cans.

We asked for donations of empty cans which we soaked in water so that we could peel the labels off.

We then used a nail and a hammer to make small holes in the bottom of the can to allow excess water to drain away.

We planted some violas into the cans using compost….

….and watered them well.

Finally we decorated the cans.

I think you will agree that they look lovely!

Come to the Funday , have some fun and treat yourself to a lovely plant, perfect!

See you there!

June 14, 2019
by Ms Crichton
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Inveralmond E.Y.C. and Ladywell N.C.

June 13th

Box Clever vocabulary

The action words  associated with the current interest in bees at Ladywell are:

flying   collecting     drinking  carrying    taking   making   buzzing    growing  tasting   searching  landing   swarming  stinging

The action words associated with the current interest in tools at Inveralmond EYC are:

hammering    twisting    turning     hitting   cutting  sawing     adjusting    drilling    mending    fixing   repairing

dismantling   undoing


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