And just like that, it’s June…and we have finished Primary one!
Look what we have been getting up to this term!
Numeracy- This term in numeracy, we focused on practicing all that we had learnt this year and pushing ourselves to try even trickier sums!
Literacy- In literacy this term, we finished off learning all of our sounds and put these into practice during our writing lessons.
Beyond Number- In maths this term, we learnt about lines of symmetry. We painted our butterflies, folded them in half and watched how the prints were symmetrical. We also used mirrors to show lines of symmetry. We also learnt all about directions and I thought it was the best time to teach the children one of my school disco classics ‘The Cha Cha slide’. They absolutely loved it!
In technologies, Ms Jamieson was teaching us all about designing and building a village so we spent some time building a bridge to go over our river!
Our topic this term was Kings, Queens and Castles (we also looked at dragons!). We planned our own royal banquet, we learnt about all the features of a castle and used the wooden blocks to build our own!
Our topic in science was all about our senses. We went on a hearing walk to see what we could hear all throughout the school. We completed an obstacle course to show how important our eyesight is.
We spent a lot of time outside practicing our basketball skills in PE, completing a school litter pick and learning how to keep ourselves safe in Health and wellbeing.
I am so proud of all your achievements this year Primary one. I hope you all have a lovely well-deserved summer holiday! I would also like to say a huge ‘Thank You’ for all the lovely cards and gifts.
Miss Gorman x