Tag Archives: Eco Club

Eco Club Competition

There are going to be lots of fun competitions for P1-P3 and P4-7. The first one for P1-3 is a competition colouring in a litter picture and for P4-P7 you have to design a litter bug and name it. The best one would go on the back of a bin and the winner will receive a prize worth £10. Good Luck!

By Sharrie, Samantha and Rachel.

Eco Club

The Eco club have been learning about the 3 main priorities. These are litter, energy and the playground environment. We are looking for more people to do litter picking in the school and for more people to join the club. A group will be going around the school asking people if they would like to do it.
For the playground environment we are hoping that people will not drop their litter and waste the playground. We are hoping to get the green flag for the school. Finally there is saving energy so please turn off the light and smart boards when you’re finished with them and don’t waste electricity.