P5 – Personal Achievements


Rebecca Ross got a bronze cerftificate at Rookie Lifeguards. She attends lessons at Armadale swimming pool every Monday evening where she learns how to save people. Rebecca is now working towards achieving her silver award. Well done Rebecca!


Cameron Carse got a trophy for competing in a football tournament at Polbeth.  He plays for Armadale sharks and meets twice a week to practise in preparation for games on a Saturday.  He usually plays left wing.  Keep up the hard work, Cameron!

P5 – Learning in Maths


In maths this week we have been learning about line symmetry. We have investigated symmetry in nature and did detailed line drawings of some insects found in the rainforest. We also printed symmetrical butterflies, trying to imitate the patterns of common rainforest butterflies.


P5 – Visit to the Library

P5 enjoyed their visit to the library on Thursday. Some of the children worked with the librarian to complete a wordsearch while the rest of the class did some research in the computer suite. Everyone got the opportunity to look at the wide range of childrens books available and many people borrowed books to take home and enjoy with their families.

We will be visiting the library again on the following Thursdays:

  • 3rd November
  • 17th November
  • 1st December

Please remember to bring your library cards on these dates!

Armadale Together for Health

Primary 6 were lucky enough to get invited up to the community centre today to take part in a health event. We looked at foods from around the world and how diets differ in different countries. We also had a lady from Quality Meat Scotland speak to us about why a healthy diet is so important.
Riley reminded us that there is a health funday on Sunday (2nd Oct) for all friends and family so if you are free pop along to the community.

Primary 6 Senses Poems

Primary 6 wrote some fantastic senses poems about the rainforest. They worked really hard on their poems and were able to include great similes and alliteration. Here is an example of a poem that Amy Rankine wrote.

Rainforest Senses Poem
By Amy Rankine
As I creep as quiet as a mouse through the rainforest I smell the fresh blood from a predator that has sadly passed away. Wondering what’s going to happen I suddenly smell sweat dripping from my forehead. Wandering through the rainforest I smell the fresh water from the waterfall. Suddenly I smell the sweet ripe bananas.

Confused what’s happening I feel the spiders crawling up my arm. Above me I feel the tiger stand on my feet. Below me I feel the leopard’s fur tickle my bare leg. Then I turn and feel beetles crawling up arm.

Beside me I see the leopard racing a gazelle. Suddenly I see the tigers shadow in front of the horizon. Then I see a jaguar pouncing on its prey.
Up high I taste the salty air. And I suddenly taste the fresh blood. Then I taste salty sweat on my bottom lip. Suddenly I taste the stale dirty water.

Down below I hear a gorgeous gazelle eating grass. Then I hear a messy monkey drinking fresh milk from a coconut. I looked in front of me and heard a ferocious frog leaping on a lily pad. Suddenly I hear the wind whispering to me like a ghost in a graveyard.

Rainforest Senses Poem

By Leah Fisher

Wandering through the rainforest I smell the brilliant bananas high up in the trees. I smell the slimy sweat running down my face. Scampering through the forest floor I smell the damp leaves blowing in my face. Climbing up the tall trees I smell the broken bark.

 As I walk through the muddy rainforest I feel the slimy snakes curling round my leg. I feel the lion’s lovely fur while I feed it some meat. I feel the rain pouring down on me I was wetter than a fish in the sea. I feel my heart beating faster than a cheetah because a tiger started chasing me.

 I see the shinning sun brighter than the moon beating down on me. I see a stamped of elephants coming towards me wondering if I will get trampled on or not. I see the buzzing bees flying faster than a jaguar trying to sting me. 

I taste the bananas that a monkey gives me. I taste the salty air as it blows my face. I taste the dirty water it was horrible I tasted it because I ran out of water. I tasted a perfect pineapple that I found on the ground.

I hear the marvellous macaws cawing louder than a giants voice. I hear the trees rustling in the wind. I hear the terrified baby tiger yelp because it was getting chased by a giant gorilla.

Rainforest Senses Poem by Rebecca Love

Wandering through the green rainforest looking at all the leaf bearing trees I see tiny bush babies glaring at me with their beady eyes. As I look deeper into the rainforest I see something glistening in the sun light it is a waterfall flowing as fast as a cheetah.

However when I look down I see a tiny beetle crawling up my leg like a tickly ant. As I wander through the rainforest more I smell the rotten rafflesia. Also I smell a gorgeous fragrance no other fragrance but an orchid. Suddenly a beautiful smell tickles my nose I think it is a bromeliad. Another smell I smell is the musky stench of rotten leaves.

 Suddenly I hear a croak from a tiny tree frog. I heard a heart breaking roar from a terrifying tiger. I hear a scratching from a lazy lizard above me on the tree tops. I hear a grunt form a greedy gorilla on one on one of the trees branches.

As I wander more I can taste a rotten smell from a murky river. I pick a banana from a banana tree and taste the flavours explode in my mouth. I taste the rafflesia smell too. I taste my sweat from my forehead falling onto my upper lip.

Primary 6 Social Studies: The Rainforest

Primary 6 have been learning about the layers of the rainforest. We have researched animals and plants that are found in each layer. In class we have made our own 3D rainforest with animals and plants. In pairs we also researched each aspect of our rainforest and typed up a description.


P5 – Learning about the Rainforest

P5 have enjoyed learning about the rainforest. We have researched plants and animals living in the four different layers and have created a display in our classroom of a rainforest using a range of media. We have also made PowerPoint posters and written senses poems to describe the conditions of each strata.

Click on our links below to see examples of our wonderful work:

Ellie’s senses poem

Zoe’s senses poem

Emergent Layer PowerPoint

Canopy Layer PowerPoint

Understory Layer PowerPoint

Forest Floor Layer PowerPoint

Primary 6 Learning

Primary 6 have made a great start to the term and have experienced lots of new learning. Our science topic is the solar system and we have been learning lots about the planets so far. We had a scavenger hunt where we had to collect facts about the solar system from around the playground. We also worked in pairs to make powerpoints. Our social studies topic this term is the rainforest and we have been learning lots of interesting information about it so far. We have been researching the different layers and have even made our own rainforest in class.
We will keep you updated on on what we get up to this week.

P7 Active Spelling Home Learning Task – Monday 26 September 11

In your literacy home learning jotter you have your spelling words for this week! Complete the active spelling task below in your jotter and hand it in on Friday 30 September!

Make sure you date and title this task correctly in your jotter as well as using cursive handwriting at all times!


Write a story using ALL of your spelling words. Be sure to underline your spelling words in your paragraph. There will be a prize for the most entertaining piece of writing!

Try to include similes, personification and wow words in your story!

Spelling Home Learning

In your literacy home learning jotter you have your spelling words for this week!

Complete the active spelling task below in your jotter and hand it in on Friday 30 September!

Make sure you date and title this task correctly in your jotter as well as using cursive handwriting at all times!

STORY, STORY, STORY – Active Spelling Task 1

Write a story using ALL of your spelling words. Be sure to underline your spelling words in your paragraph. There will be a prize for the most entertaining story! Try to include similes, personification and wow words in your story!

P7 Active Maths

This term P7 pupils are working on a really interesting active maths challenge. They are working in pairs to plan, budget and design their own theme park. Eventually this project will lead us to learn all about budgets, profit and loss. We have created promotional leaflets to advertise our theme park and written poems about our own theme park experiences. As part of our technology learning this term we will be building scale models of our theme parks! Come into class and see the learning taking place!

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