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P7/6 Technology

Primary 7/6 were given a technology home learning task to prepare at home. Pupils were asked to choose what they wanted to make and as you can see the results were great. We are hoping to have a showcase of everything once it has all been handed in next week.

Victorian Afternoon!

Primary 7 had great time looking at Victorian artefacts and playing with replica toys and games. Some people dressed up as Queen Victoria and others dressed up as poor Victorian children. Look at the pictures of all the fun…and learning!

What was your favourite station Primary 7?  Write a comment telling the rest of the school what you enjoyed most and why.

Primary 6 Enterprise Project

Primary 6 are making a wonderful, exciting board game that they are going to sell as Christmas presents.

The game is called “Space Adventure!” and is a board game where you travel around the solar system, avoiding the black holes!! You have to get from Pluto to the Sun and hope you don’t get teleported to another planet while you play! The game is a mixture of chance and solar system knowledge and will be available for pre-order at the Christmas Fayre this Friday.

The cost is only £1 for this terrific Christmas present for your brother, sister, mum, dad or great aunty Betty!

Primary 6 have worked really hard on this project and we hope that you will buy one of these fantastic board games!

Sportshall Athletics Festival

Primary 7 and Primary 7/6 have enjoyed some athletics taster session with the Sports Leaders from Armadale Academy. During the past four weeks they have been learning running, jumping and throwing techniques in preparation for a cluster competition. Today they attended a Sportshall Athletics Festival and put their skills to good use. Their fantastic effort and behaviour earned them the first place prize. Well done everyone for winning gold, all your hard work paid off!  The certificate will be displayed in the school foyer and the prize of six relay batons can be enjoyed by the whole school.  Great job!

P5 November

We shared what we have been learning about “The Secret Garden” at our assembly. We had to make lots of props which helped to tell the story.
We have made peacocks from paper plates as the peacock is the national bird of India, which is our new topic. We also made lanterns for Divali.

Wear Spots, Raise Lots!

P7 had a fantastic day on Thursday fundraising for ‘Children in Need’. Everyone made a huge effort to wear something spotty and some people had even designed and made their own T-shirts! All pupils enjoyed decorating Pudsey Bear biscuits and writing a comic strip about Pudsey’s Adventure. During their laptop time , they spent time browsing the BBC ‘Children in Need’ website and researched who the money raised helps. They also had fun playing interactive Pudsey games. During Golden Time, some children chose to listen to ‘Children in Need’ songs from previous years and learn the Pudsey dance. Best of all, the P7 children enjoyed helping to organise and run the day. Volunteers went to the Parent/Carer Session to sell quiz sheets for the TV and others helped to collect and count the money for the class challenge. They were delighted to announce that the winner of the class challenge was P7/6, 2nd place was P1 and 3rd place was P7.  Congratulations to Caitlin Skippins in P7 who won the box of Celebrations for guessing the number of sweets correctly – she was spot on with 92!  A massive well done to all classes, parents/ carers and friends of Eastertoun Primary and Nursery for their support and generosity.  The amazing whole school total was £1143.31! Hip Hip Horray!

Sport Leaders

Primary 7 and Primary 7/6 have been lucky enough to get coached by sports leaders from Armadale Academy for the last 4 weeks. The pupils have been learning about different Athletic events and developing their skills. They are going to use everything they have been taught at an Athletics festival for all the P7’s in the cluster on Monday 26 November. The children have all really enjoyed working with the sports leaders.
Good Luck to all the children taking part in the festival next week.

Children in Need

Eastertoun Primary and Nursery School had a fantastic day of fundraising on Thursday 15 November 2012 for Children in Need. All the children had a great day making biscuits, wearing something spotty and making Pudsey crafts. Overall we raised a fantastic total of £1143. Thanks to all the parents, staff and children for their kind donations. A special thanks to Mrs Hardie who prepared everything for our Pudsey biscuits. The finished biscuits looked and tasted delicious.