All posts by Miss Holley

P5 – Learning in Maths


In maths this week we have been learning about line symmetry. We have investigated symmetry in nature and did detailed line drawings of some insects found in the rainforest. We also printed symmetrical butterflies, trying to imitate the patterns of common rainforest butterflies.


P5 – Visit to the Library

P5 enjoyed their visit to the library on Thursday. Some of the children worked with the librarian to complete a wordsearch while the rest of the class did some research in the computer suite. Everyone got the opportunity to look at the wide range of childrens books available and many people borrowed books to take home and enjoy with their families.

We will be visiting the library again on the following Thursdays:

  • 3rd November
  • 17th November
  • 1st December

Please remember to bring your library cards on these dates!

P5 – Learning about the Rainforest

P5 have enjoyed learning about the rainforest. We have researched plants and animals living in the four different layers and have created a display in our classroom of a rainforest using a range of media. We have also made PowerPoint posters and written senses poems to describe the conditions of each strata.

Click on our links below to see examples of our wonderful work:

Ellie’s senses poem

Zoe’s senses poem

Emergent Layer PowerPoint

Canopy Layer PowerPoint

Understory Layer PowerPoint

Forest Floor Layer PowerPoint