Kingswood Update

Dear Parents/Carers/Pupils/Staff of Eastertoun

Greetings from glorious Kingswood!

It has been another scorcher here in Kingswood and everybody is having a wonderful time. Most people went to sleep really quickly last night although we had a few night owls! After a whole day in the sun today I am sure everyone will be ready for their beds later tonight. We’ve had a brilliant lunch of meatballs, pasta, baked potatoes, pasties and salad and although it is only 4pm we are all looking forward to our tea!

Mr Bennett and Miss McTiernan have been on the 3G swing (although Mr Bennett managed to go slightly higher than Miss McT) and all of the children have been enjoying this activity as well as zip wire, leap of faith and nightline.

We are looking forward to our campfire this evening with some wonderful songs and jokes to share with all.

Will hopefully find time in our packed schedule to update you again tomorrow!

Hope sports week is going well and we will look forward to seeing you soon!

Miss McTiernan, Mr Bennett, Miss Thomas Miss Weston and the P7 Campers!

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