Primary 6 Senses Poems

Primary 6 wrote some fantastic senses poems about the rainforest. They worked really hard on their poems and were able to include great similes and alliteration. Here is an example of a poem that Amy Rankine wrote.

Rainforest Senses Poem
By Amy Rankine
As I creep as quiet as a mouse through the rainforest I smell the fresh blood from a predator that has sadly passed away. Wondering what’s going to happen I suddenly smell sweat dripping from my forehead. Wandering through the rainforest I smell the fresh water from the waterfall. Suddenly I smell the sweet ripe bananas.

Confused what’s happening I feel the spiders crawling up my arm. Above me I feel the tiger stand on my feet. Below me I feel the leopard’s fur tickle my bare leg. Then I turn and feel beetles crawling up arm.

Beside me I see the leopard racing a gazelle. Suddenly I see the tigers shadow in front of the horizon. Then I see a jaguar pouncing on its prey.
Up high I taste the salty air. And I suddenly taste the fresh blood. Then I taste salty sweat on my bottom lip. Suddenly I taste the stale dirty water.

Down below I hear a gorgeous gazelle eating grass. Then I hear a messy monkey drinking fresh milk from a coconut. I looked in front of me and heard a ferocious frog leaping on a lily pad. Suddenly I hear the wind whispering to me like a ghost in a graveyard.

Rainforest Senses Poem

By Leah Fisher

Wandering through the rainforest I smell the brilliant bananas high up in the trees. I smell the slimy sweat running down my face. Scampering through the forest floor I smell the damp leaves blowing in my face. Climbing up the tall trees I smell the broken bark.

 As I walk through the muddy rainforest I feel the slimy snakes curling round my leg. I feel the lion’s lovely fur while I feed it some meat. I feel the rain pouring down on me I was wetter than a fish in the sea. I feel my heart beating faster than a cheetah because a tiger started chasing me.

 I see the shinning sun brighter than the moon beating down on me. I see a stamped of elephants coming towards me wondering if I will get trampled on or not. I see the buzzing bees flying faster than a jaguar trying to sting me. 

I taste the bananas that a monkey gives me. I taste the salty air as it blows my face. I taste the dirty water it was horrible I tasted it because I ran out of water. I tasted a perfect pineapple that I found on the ground.

I hear the marvellous macaws cawing louder than a giants voice. I hear the trees rustling in the wind. I hear the terrified baby tiger yelp because it was getting chased by a giant gorilla.

Rainforest Senses Poem by Rebecca Love

Wandering through the green rainforest looking at all the leaf bearing trees I see tiny bush babies glaring at me with their beady eyes. As I look deeper into the rainforest I see something glistening in the sun light it is a waterfall flowing as fast as a cheetah.

However when I look down I see a tiny beetle crawling up my leg like a tickly ant. As I wander through the rainforest more I smell the rotten rafflesia. Also I smell a gorgeous fragrance no other fragrance but an orchid. Suddenly a beautiful smell tickles my nose I think it is a bromeliad. Another smell I smell is the musky stench of rotten leaves.

 Suddenly I hear a croak from a tiny tree frog. I heard a heart breaking roar from a terrifying tiger. I hear a scratching from a lazy lizard above me on the tree tops. I hear a grunt form a greedy gorilla on one on one of the trees branches.

As I wander more I can taste a rotten smell from a murky river. I pick a banana from a banana tree and taste the flavours explode in my mouth. I taste the rafflesia smell too. I taste my sweat from my forehead falling onto my upper lip.

5 thoughts on “Primary 6 Senses Poems”

  1. The poems you produced P6 were absolutely fantastic and I will share these with my class next time we start a writing task! Keep up the hard work!

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