P7 @ Kingswood

Greetings Eastertoun Primary School1! We hope you are all having an ace Sports, Health and Fitness Week and that the weather has been nice for you! Miss Weston organised a great week and we are looking forward to joining in on Thursday and Friday if we are not too tired!

Camp has been absolutely fantastic and we are having a ball! We have only had a little rain and today it is really warm!

Mr Bennett and I have been really brave and we went on the 3G Swing and Leap of Faith! There is video footage for all to see so you can see how terrified I was! Miss Thomas was brave and went on the 3G swing also! Her face was a picture!

Our P7’s have been a credit to the school and have behaved well. They have been developing their teamwork skills and have really supported each other in scary activities such as the 3G swing and zipwire!

We are all looking forward to the disco tonight and have completed a video diary for you all to see when we get back!

Looking forward to seeing you all on Thursday and enjoy your sports day tomorrow!

Miss McTiernan, Mr Bennett, Miss Thomas and P7

One thought on “P7 @ Kingswood”

  1. i loved kingswood and weldone to all those brave teachers who risked their fears on all the exciting activities! =)

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