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It has been a very busy Christmas term, and we have all made it to the end, ready for Santa to come and visit us on Wednesday night.
Thank you to all the parents who have volunteered to help with the panto trip and the Christmas party, without your support we would be unable to do all of these lovely things.

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas, and we shall see you all in the New Year. (8th January 2015)

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas

It has been a busy few weeks in the Nursery, with christmas lunches and nativity performances.

Today the snow came, and all the children who attended nursery were very excited.

We have been talking a lot about the Christmas story, and how we celebrate in our different houses.

The nursery in both sessions have had the opportunity to decorate our christmas tree.

Here are just a few photos from our celebrations so far.

Coffee Morning

After the great success (and yummy cakes) of last years coffee morning, we are doing it all again.

Come along: November 11th
AM Nursery 10-11am (GP room)
PM Nursery 12.20-1.20 (community wing)
This time allows everyone to get to know each other, and is a great opportunity for new parents to the nursery to meet and greet!
Looking forward to seeing you all if you are able to make it!
Miss Mitchell and Mrs Chalmers

Harvest is coming

This week the boys and girls have been exploring the change of season and the arrival of Autumn.

The leaves have certainly changed fast and are all falling to the ground.

We have been learning about the harvest this week, and have been doing lots of exciting activities. Some of you may have spotted our scarecrow!

There is a donation box for the Trussel Trust this Harvest, and any donations are greatly appreciated.

Here is one of our nursery AM boys making his donations (thank you)

We have also been making some Autumn harvest soup to keep our tummy nice and warm.

We have been learning to chop safely, and make our own food from scratch

(HWB 0-16a 0-29a)

All the boys and girls enjoying their soup!

New blogs from Africa

Apologies for such a long time between blogs, but our systems were being re-booted and posting was not a possibility.

But here we are…in an all new glow blog (that looks just the same!)  🙂

So what have we been up to?

In the nursery, we took our hot air balloon all the way to Africa, to explore who lived there.

We learnt all about the animals, and the people who lived in Africa. We have fun listening and dancing to music that came from the Serengeti, and watching the animals jump high into the air.

A firm favourite of all the children was a clip from ‘BBC’s’ Africa that was aired last year.

BBC Africa

Mrs Chalmers did some excellent face painting to round off our learning. The whole class were turned into some very scary lions and tigers! (oh my!)

Our next adventure is going to take place in a toyshop, and all of you should have had home a form in order for your child to design their own toy, which hopefully they will all be able to make in class next week. Next week is also money week, so we will be exploring different coins and uses for money.

Last week the AM, nursery alongside Mrs Peden, Miss Mitchell and Mrs Chalmers, helped to give the nursery garden an excellent clean. We weeded out all the pots and planters, scrubbed to toys and power washed the safety surface.

However…Miss Mitchell has great plans for the Nursery garden.

Her first projects is going to be the construction of a ‘Bug Hotel’ to help the bugs get ready for winter. This project is to support the local eco system.

So, I hear you ask, how do you build a bug hotel.

Any help that you could give us to source the following…

What you need-

Palates or strips of wood

Roof tiles

Plastic and ceramic pipes of various sizes

Deadwood – sticks and logs of all sizes up to half a

metre long

Logs drilled with various sized holes

Hollow bamboo canes

Bricks and concrete blocks (preferably with holes)

Plastic and ceramic pipes of various sizes

Cardboard tubes and corrugated card (keep them


Roofing felt


Crushed brick and concrete rubble



Dry leaf litter


Plastic bottles

Pen casings and drinking straws

Plant pots


If you can help us out with building this just let us know! Thanks to all the parents who have got on board already!

G’day Australia

The boys and girls in both sessions have had a wonderful time exploring Australia. Learning all about its most famous animals….the Koala and the Kangeroo.

I’m sure that you all enjoyed learning the Kangaroo song with your children, and you will be singing it at work for weeks.

We welcomed parents this week to the nursery for the first of our ‘Smart starts’, where the children were able to tell you all about what they have been learning. Having our lovely parents available to chat was great for Miss Mitchell too, as she was looking for parents to help her out with some fundraising!

We are going to end our week with some Aboriginal art, before jetting off in our hot air balloon to South Africa and learning about its wonderful animals, and their excellent music!

Here are some Koalas who are a little bit closer to home…

A glorious trip to Italy…

buoni genitori serali.

Abbiamo avuto un tempo meraviglioso esplorare l’Italia la settimana scorsa. Abbiamo imparato un sacco su Venezia, e di esplorare la splendida città con Marcello Mouse. abbiamo fatto la pizza, fatta maschere di carnevale.

good evening parents.

We had a wonderful time exploring Italy last week. We learnt lots about Venice, and explore the beautiful city with Marcello Mouse.we made pizza, made carnival masks.

This week we are off to spend some time with the Kangeroos in Australia!!


Welcome back everyone…

The new term has started with a bang!

We have welcomed lots of new boys and girls to the nursery, and they have all settled in really well.

We have been focusing on re-establishing the classroom rules, sharing, taking turns and working together.

Over the next few weeks we will be looking at 4-6 different countries. The ones that the children have choosen are…

1) Italy

2) Australia

3) South Africa

4) Greece

and if we have time we will choose some more.

We are looking forward to getting down to some fun learning. If there is anyone who has a picture of their child on their summer holiday, please send these into nursery or pm to the nursery Facebook if you are unable to print them at home.