Transport in the Trossachs

Transport in the Trossachs

One of our topics this year was Transport in the Trossachs.

We researched this and found out lots of interesting facts. We worked with a partner a senior pupil with a junior pupil all from class 2. We had to choose two different types of transport and make up a presentation to show to everyone at the end of the topic. This is a great way to learn, you learn through what you research for yourself and you also learn when you watch and listen to other presentations. We learnt about the old railway line between Callander and Lochearnhead.At the end of the topic we went through to the Riverside Museum which is the Transport Museum in Glasgow. We went around in our classes and each class did a workshop. Class 1 went to a workshop on boats, class 2 went to a workshop on old transport. We got to look through the museum, it was all very interesting.

Ember Mulhearn





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