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Brexit and Passports

As B Day draws ever closer and there’s still no clarity regarding what may happen, the UK Government are recommending that all UK citizens intending travelling abroad have at least 6 months left on their passport before travelling.

I am aware that some of our pupils have less than that so can you please check using this link below whether you child will require to have their passport renewed before travelling.

Did your family have a relative killed in the Great War?

Something we try to incorporate into each year’s trip is a visit to the grave or memorial of ancestors of our pupils. This is often a very poignant and moving experience,

If you have lost any family member in the Great War (WW1) can you please let us have as much information on them as possible. We’d ask for Name, Date and place of Birth, Regiment, Date of Death, Service Number, Where buried or commemorated. We understand that you may not have all of these details but please give us as much as possible.

This relative does not need to have been a great grandparent, or great uncle, any close relative or distant family member is appropriate.

If your relative is buried or commemorated near to any of the places in our itinerary we will make every effort to visit their place of rest, although time and accessibility may mean we are unable to do so.

May I ask one thing of you all though, can you please give us as much notice as possible so the coach company and tour guides can try to factor in a visit, please don’t leave it until the last minute!


Just a quick reminder that the 4th payment of £75 is due to be paid by this Friday the 25th. Once you have made this payment your outstanding balance should be £150 or less.

If you are having difficulty making payments please contact the school.

3rd Payment

The next £75 instalment is due this Friday 21st December. You should after this payment have an outstanding balance of £225.

UPDATE 30/12/18

As of 1300 today there are still 30 payments to be made, please ensure you make this payment over the next few days. The fourth installment is due on Friday 25th January.

If you are having difficulties in making these payments please get in touch with the school.

2nd Payment Due

This is a reminder that the second instalment of £75 is due next Friday, 23rd November.

Once this payment is completed you should have paid in a total of £250, an outstanding balance of £300.

It is possible to make over-payments should you so wish.

Many thanks to those of you who have already made this second instalment or have paid in full.

Payment 1st Instalment.

Reminder: The first payment of £75 is due tomorrow Friday 26th October, please ensure you make this payment in time. Thanks to those parents who have already paid, this makes our life so much easier!

The payment schedule is as follows:

A £100 non-refundable deposit which was due 28th September.

Followed by equal payments of £75 on

Friday 26th October
Friday 23rd November
Friday 21st December
Friday 25th January
Friday 22nd February
Friday 29th March

You may if you wish make over-payments or pay the full outstanding balance.

Some parents paid £75 deposit if this was you can you please make a £100 payment this month.

Deposits due.

This is just a gentle reminder that non-refundable deposits of £100 are due to be paid by the end of the school day tomorrow, Friday 28th. Please ensure that you pay this in time as the school has a large deposit to pay to the tour company tomorrow!

Payment Schedule.

Non-refundable deposit: £100 due Friday 28th September.

6 equal payments of £75: due

Friday 26th October.
Friday 23rd November.
Friday 21st December.
Friday 25th January.
Friday 22nd February.
Friday 29th March.
1 final payment of £450 due Friday 26th October.

If your child has been offered a place and now no longer wishes to take up this place please let us know, by phone or email to as there is a sizable reserve list.

Places allocated.

Your Daughter/Son should by now have been issued with a letter confirming their place on the Battlefields Trip.

A non refundable deposit of £100 is now due and should be made, via Parentpay by Friday 28th September, please ensure that you make this payment by the due date, as the school have to make a deposit payment to the tour company on that date.

The balance of £450 can be paid, either by a one off payment of £450 by the 26th of October, or 6 equal payments of £75 due by, Friday 26th October, Friday 23rd November, Friday 21st December, Friday 25th January, Friday 22nd February, and Friday 29th of March.

If your child feels that they no longer wish to take their place on the trip please let the school know as soon as possible so their place can be offered to a pupil on the reserve list.

The trip was very heavily oversubscribed this year and no doubt there will be a few disappointed children, however they will be added to the reserve list and may be offered a place should anyone drop out.

Please note that as the closing date was Friday 14th September no further expressions of interest forms can be accepted.

Dunblane Rcruiting Office Now Open

We are now recruiting for our 2019 Battlefields Trip, you should have by now received a letter asking for expressions of interest.

Please note the important dates especially for the submission of expressions of interest which close on Friday 14th September, places will be confirmed hopefully on Tuesday 18th with non-refundable deposits of £100 to be paid by Friday 28th September. The preferred method of payment is by Parentpay.