School Meals

IMG_0084Click on the Photograph to see this week’s menu.



Stirling Council has been a member of the Food For Life accreditation scheme since 2012. The FFL accreditation providers must achieve the thirteen standards of the Bronze Food Life which include – 75% of all dishes on the menu to be freshly prepared on site.
The Food for Life Catering Mark is an endorsement from the Soil Association Scotland that as caterers we have taken steps to ensure that the food that we serve uses fresh ingredients which are free from undesirable additives and trans fats, are better for animal welfare and comply with national nutrition standards.
• Our meals do not contain any undesirable food additives, hydrogenated fats or GM ingredients.
• Over 75% of our dishes are freshly prepared every day by our cooks.
• All of the meat we use is traceable and from farms which satisfy UK welfare standards.
• All of the eggs we use are free range from cage free hens.
• We offer a seasonal menu.
• We provide ongoing training for our dedicated team of catering staff.
• We ensure our meals comply with the national nutritional standards set out by the Scottish Government.
• We provide information for children about where their food comes from.
• Poultry, eggs and pork are produced in line with the standards set for the Freedom Food Scheme, a welfare minimum or 10% of ingredients are organic. All of the milk we use in our recipes and the children drink is certified local organic milk.
• A range of locally sourced items are on the menu.
• No fish is served from the Marine Conservation Society “fish to avoid list“.
We are proud of our Silver Food for life accreditation for all our meals, promoting food provenance, freshly preparing foods free from nasty additives colourings and preservatives. More information about the standard can be found on the Soil Association website,
We would like to continue to reassure our Parents that the school and nursery meals service within Stirling Council is working hard to provide a safe environment for pupils and staff and are working to Covid 19 protocols.

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