All posts by Mrs Gibb

Primary 5/6/7

Outdoor Learning

On Friday 10th June we did tent building and fire making. My favourite part was eating the marshmallows which we roasted on the fire. Setting up the tents was a challenge because it required a lot of teamwork. I learned that there are three different types of things you need for a fire, tinder, kindling and large pieces of wood for fuel. The tinder is usually dry, small and flammable materials such as dry leaves or cotton wool or pine cones. The kindling is made up of sticks and twigs and the large pieces of wood keep the fire burning for a long time.

The Daily Mile!

The Daily Mile helps keep us fit, improve our concentration in class and is just all round good for our health and wellbeing! We love it!!!!

Health Week March 2016 

We had such an amazing time during our Health Week. We tried lots of new activities and sports and improved lots of skills like teamwork, risk assessment and communication. We even got a chance to soak Miss Reid!

Scotland  Street School Jan 2016

I can compare how school are now to how they were in the Victorian times. 

When we visited Scotland Street School we were amazed at how different the building was! It was designed by Charles Rennie Mackintosh. We had to put on some old fashioned uniforms and were shown into the classroom. The teacher told us where to sit and commanded us to face the front. It was very scary at first but some people got used to it. We learned a different method of hand writing and the clock method of times tables. She made us call her Ma’am and stand up to answer every question. We are all very glad that we don’t live in Victorian times and were glad to leave! 🙂

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Den Building  Jan 2016

This was us building dens for outdoor learning. We used a number of different skills including teamwork, exploration and creativity. We weren’t  allowed to use any resources from inside. None of our dens were particularly successful but this was our first attempt so maybe next time we try something different.

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Buchlyvie Cook School in preparation for the Big Lunch!IMG_0084IMG_0085IMG_0091