Tag Archives: Woodhead Way

Week Beginning Monday 10th October 2022

Welcome to this week’s Head Teacher Blog.

October Week Holiday

School and Nursery will close at 3pm on Friday 14th October 2022 for the October Week Holiday.  We re-open on Monday 24th October 2022 at the usual times.  I hope you have a lovely break.

Participatory Budget Results

Thank you to everyone who took part in our PB vote last week.  At assembly on Friday, Mrs. Keltie announced the results.  From the three final options decided by our PB groups, the winner was:

  • School Trips/Excursions

We will now start to plan when/how these will take place and will provide further information in due course.

Christmas Card Enterprise

In consultation with the Parent Council, we have decided to run our annual Christmas Card enterprise once again this year.

Each child (including the nursery) has the opportunity to design a Christmas Card in class using a provided template which can then be made into printed Christmas Cards.

Finished designs will be sent home on Monday 31st October 2022 along with an order form. If you decide to purchase packs of cards, you must return the order form to school by Wednesday 9th November 2022.

Packs of 12 cards cost £5 and this will be payable by ParentPay from 31st October 2022. Please note, there is no obligation for parents/carers to purchase these. However, the school does receive a commission for each pack purchased.

Parent Council Constitution

The proposed changes to the Parent Council constitution were approved at their meeting on 4th October 2022 with the following votes from the Parent Forum:

  • 11 ‘Agree’
  • 0 ‘Disagree’
  • 0 ‘Abstain’

The revised document, along with the AGM and Ordinary Meeting minutes from Tuesday 6th September 2022 are now available on the Parent Council Page of the school website.

Parent Teacher Consultations

Our first Parents’ evening of the 2022/23 school session is scheduled to take place on Thursday 10th November 2022 (between 3.30pm and 8pm).

We’re delighted that these meetings will take place in person once again.  Parents/carers will have an opportunity to hear about their child’s progress and look through some of their written work.

An email will be sent via ParentPay this week with a link to the School Cloud booking system to allow parents/carers to select an appointment that is convenient to them.

Lockerbie Manor Information Session

A reminder to current P6 and P7 parents that the Lockerbie Manor information session will take place on Monday 10th October 2022 from 4.30pm-5.30pm.

We ask that, due to limited space, children do not attend this meeting if possible.

If you are unable to attend, an information pack will be sent home.

School Lunches for WB 10th October 2022

The school lunch menu for 10th-14th October 2022 is Week 1:


The nursery lunch menu for 10th-14th October 2022 is Week 1:


All nursery pupils and P1-5 are entitled to a free school meal.

School Values Award Recipients

As part of the Woodhead Way, all children are expected to be Ready, Safe and Respectful.  When they are, this is recognised through our weekly reward time.

The following children were recognised last week by their class teacher for following the Woodhead Way in class, and displaying the school values.  They received the School Values Award at assembly on Friday 7th Oct 2022:

John S P1a Friendship;Respect;Excellence;


Faith D P1b Friendship;Determination
Lexi T P2a Friendship;Respect;


Isaac F P2b Friendship;Respect;


Perri B P3 Friendship;Respect;Honesty;


Caiden McC P3/4 Friendship;Respect;Excellence;


Heather F P4 Friendship;Respect;Honesty;


Amaya I P4/5 Friendship;Respect;


Joshua G P5 Friendship;Respect;Determination
Josh McD P6/7 Friendship;Respect;Honesty
Lily F P6a Friendship;Respect;Honesty;


Bilal M P7a Friendship;Respect;Honesty;


Nathan S P7b Respect;Honesty;Excellence;


In the playground, our Support Staff recognised the following children for following the Woodhead Way and being Ready, Respectful and Safe:

Perry B P3
Aiden B P2b
Millie L P7a

The following children were recognised as going ‘Over and Above’ in class, not only demonstrating the Woodhead Way, but going beyond the expectations in all aspects of school life this week.  They will be recognised with a special Reward Time this week:

Chloe McK P1a
Harry D P1b
Jack R P2a
Lilly G P2b
Esme A P3
Ollie C P3/4
Emily D P4
Rhys D P4/5
Mia N P5
Ollie B P6/7
Daisy Mae F P6a
Finn L P7a
Ava G P7b

Dates for Your Diary:

Upcoming Diary Dates:

  • Monday 10th October 2022: Lockerbie Manor Information Session for P6 and P7 Parents/Carers (4.30pm-5.30pm)
  • Monday 10th October 2022: Girls’ After School Football Club (3pm-4pm)
  • Wednesday 12th October 2022: Choir After School Club (3pm-4pm)
  • Monday 17th to Friday 21st October 2022: October Week Holiday (School and Nursery Closed)
  • Monday 24th October 2022: School and Nursery re-open.
  • Thursday 27th October 2022: PTA Hallowe’en Discos (P1-3: 6.15pm-7.15pm, P4-7: 7.30pm-8.45pm)
  • Friday 28th October 2022: Non-Uniform Day (Hallowe’en Theme)
  • Tuesday 1st November 2022: PC and PTA Meeting (6.45pm-8.30pm)

Riddle of the Week

Well done to everyone who told me the correct answer to last week’s Riddle:

What belongs to you but is used more by others?  The correct answer was ‘Your Name.’

This week’s riddle is:

What two things can you never eat for breakfast?

A house point to every pupil who shares the correct answer with Mr. Clark.

Can your child solve it without parental help or googling it?

Thank you for your continued support. Please get in touch via the school office if I can assist in any way.

Kind regards

Mr. Clark

Mr. S. Jasnosz-Clark

Head Teacher


Week Beginning Monday 26th September 20222

Welcome to this week’s edition of the Head Teacher’s blog.

I hope you have enjoyed the long weekend holiday.  School and Nursery re-open at the normal times on Tuesday 27th September 2022.

P1-7 Open Day

Thank you to everyone who was able to attend our P1-7 Open Day today. It was a pleasure to have many of our parents/carers and relatives back in school. I hope you enjoyed the session.

More photographs are available at https://twitter.com/WoodheadPrimary/status/1572973355749228547

We would appreciate your feedback on the event and ask that you complete this short questionnaire to let us know your views. (If you already completed if by following the QR Code during the event, there is no need to complete it a second time).

Feedback Form: https://forms.office.com/r/YQpYPhrr59

This form will close at 10am on Wednesday 28th September 2022.

If you weren’t able to come to our Open Day today, I look forward to seeing you at a future event.

The Woodhead Way

During the open day, I touched briefly on the work we are doing this year around ‘The Woodhead Way’ and Promoting Positive Relationships (previously Promoting Positive Behaviour).

If you are interesting in being part of a short-life working group to involve parents/carers in shaping our procedures and policies around this area, please complete this form:

Promoting Positive Relationships Working Group: https://forms.office.com/r/TsTV4EtJNf

The form will close at 12pm on Friday 30th September 2022.

PC and PTA Meetings

The next meetings of the Parent Council and the PTA will take place in the school at 6.45pm-8.30pm on Tuesday 4th October 2022.  All parents/carers are welcome to attend.

Pupil House Captains

Congratulations to our Primary 7s who have been voted by their classmates to be a part of this year’s Pupil Leadership Team as House Captains.

The captains for each house are:

All of the children who delivered a speech were outstanding and should be very proud of themselves.

Maths Week Scotland

We will be marking Maths Week Scotland in school this week with lots of maths-based learning experiences across the school.

We will also be posting some Family Learning ideas on our school Twitter page.

Keep an eye on Twitter for some photographs of our Maths Week activities.

Non-Uniform Day

Our next non-uniform day will take place on Friday 30th September 2022.  There is no set theme for this day.

Please remember that football branded items are not permitted to be worn in schools in line with SLC policy.

Lunch Menus for WB 26th Sep 2022

It’s Week 2 of the 2022-23 school and nursery lunch menus from Tuesday 26th to Friday 30th September 2022.  All Nursery and Primary 1-5 pupils are entitled to a free school meal.

School Menu:


Nursery Menu:


Primary 1 children will now order their lunch in class each morning as P2-7 do.

Upcoming Diary Dates

  • WB Tuesday 27th September 2022: Maths Week Scotland
  • Friday 30th September 2022:  Non-uniform Day (No Theme)
  • Tuesday 4th October 2022:  PC and PTA Meetings (6.45pm-8.30pm)
  • Monday 17th to Friday 21st October 2022: October Week Holiday (School and Nursery Closed)

Thank you for your continued support.  Please get in touch via the school office if I can assist in any way.

Kind regards

Mr. Clark

Mr. S. Jasnosz-Clark

Head Teacher



Week Beginning Monday 22nd August 2022

Welcome to the first Head Teacher’s Blog.

This will be updated at the beginning of each week, and will replace the monthly school newsletters, providing more frequent information about the school, details of what’s on for the coming weeks, links to the lunch menus and other important reminders.

I hope you find it useful.

Mr. Clark

First Week of Term

It’s been a wonderful first week back at school.  Everyone looked so smart in their school uniforms and it was lovely to hear the chatter and laughter as the children caught up with their friends and teachers after the holiday.  For those parents who were able to join us in the playground on Wednesday, I’m sure you’ll agree it was lovely to see the children lining up so well, eager to get inside and start the new year.

The new Primary 1 children have been amazing and are adapting to the routines of school so quickly.  We were very impressed with their lines on Thursday morning for their first full day in school.  Both Mrs. Arthur and Mrs. Mitchell have commented on how pleased they are with the children and how well they are working in class.

The Woodhead Way

This week, we launched ‘The Woodhead Way’ – a simple reminder to our children of our shared expectations of them all.  This sets a high standard of exceptions about ‘how we do things at Woodhead’.

The Woodhead Way - Ready, Respectful, Safe

Our expectations are simple and clear, to encourage all children:

  • to be ready to learn and work hard in class
  • to be respectful of all adults, classmates and other children
  • to be safe in all areas of the school and ensure other children are safe too.

By being ready, respectful and safe, children are recognised with 5 minutes of ‘Reward Time’ each day, which they can enjoy at the end of the week in class.

When children go ‘Over and Above’ in class, this is also recognised and celebrated.  Children who regularly go ‘Over and Above’ will be recognised through our weekly ‘School Values Awards’ and ‘Playground Awards’.

At the end of each month, a pupil from each class will be invited to the ‘Golden Table’ at lunchtime – recognition for going ‘Over and Above’ in our expectations of Ready, Respectful, Safe.

You can find out more about the research behind this approach at https://whentheadultschange.com 

Lovely Lines

As part of the Woodhead Way, we expect children to be ready, respectful and safe when lining up to come in to school.

We visibly recognised when the children do this and award the class who goes ‘over and above’ in their lines with an extra playtime.

This week, Primary 3 and Primary 5 went ‘over and above’ to be ready, respectful and safe in their lines and have been recognised with an extra playtime.  Well done!

Flu Immunisation

This will take place on Tuesday 8th November 2022 for P1-7 children.

Permission slips have been received into school from NHS Lanarkshire and should be retuned as soon as possible.

After-School Clubs

We have had a few enquiries about when after-school extra curricular activities will start back.  We hope to begin our programme later in the term.

SLT Drop-in Sessions

This year, we have introduced drop in sessions for parents/carers in the Nursery to P7 to drop-in and have a chat with a member of the school leadership team.  This will take place on the following dates:

  • Monday 12th September 2022 (3.30pm-5.30pm
  • Wednesday 30th November 2022 (3.30pm-5.30pm)
  • Wednesday 1st February 2023 (3.30pm-5.30pm)
  • Tuesday 14th March 2023 (3.30pm-5.30pm)
  • Tuesday 25th April 2023 (3.30pm-5.30pm)

The purpose of these is to allow an opportunity for parents/carers to ask questions they might have, get advice or help with:

  • supporting learning at home.
  • understanding the general Scottish Curriculum for Excellence
  • issues/problems out-with school such as financial matters, school uniform, accessing community resources such as food banks etc.
  • accessing IT resources such as  Google Classroom, Twitter, ParentyPay etc.

It is not an opportunity to get information about your child’s academic progress – this happens in our Parent Teacher consultations.

It is also not an opportunity to raise a concern or complaint or discuss an issue involving another pupil  – we encourage parents/carers to get in touch via the office if they need any help with such an issue.

We will issue a sign-up sheet for any interested parent/carer prior to the first event.

PE Days

Click on the following link to view details of our PE days:

PE Days August 2022

Annual Calendar

The planned dates for the entire school year 2022-23 can be found b y clicking on the link below:

Woodhead Annual Calendar 2022-23

Lunch Menu 22nd August 2022-26th August 2022

It is Week 2 of the Spring/Summer menu in the school and nursery this week:

Week 2 Nursery Menu

Week 2 School Menu

All children in Nursery to Primary 5 receive a free meal.  Parents/carers of children in Primary 6 and Primary 7 who may be eligible for a free school meal can find more information here.

Primary 1 parents/carers are asked to complete the following order form for this week by 9am on Monday (even if your child will have a packed lunch)

P1 Lunch Order Form

Please note the 2022-23 Lunch menu will begin the following week (29th August 2022)

What’s on at Woodhead in the coming fortnight:

  • Friday 26th August 2022: Non-Uniform Day (No theme) NB, there will be no charge for non-uniform days this year.

If I can be of any further assistance, please get in touch via the school office.

Kind regards

Mr. Clark

S. Jasnosz-Clark

Head Teacher