Tag Archives: Hallowe’en Disco

Week Beginning Monday 31st October 2022

It’s been a spooky week at Woodhead with our PTA Hallowe’en Disco and Hallowe’en Themed non-uniform day.  A huge thank you to all of our parents/carers, children and staff for making so much effort to make these events lots of fun.

For those children who are heading out on Monday night for ‘trick or treat’, I hope you have a lovely, safe time.

A reminder however, that if children are given any products which contains nuts, these must not be brought into school as we have both children and staff with severe, life-threatening nut allergies.

PTA Hallowe’en Disco

Thank you very much to our wonderful PTA and all of their volunteers for organising a massively successful Hallowe’en disco on Thursday.

The children had a wonderful time and looked amazing in their costumes.  It was lovely that this event was able to take place again – the first time since October 2019.

I’d also like to thank the staff members who gave of their own time to come along.

The PTA are delighted to have raised the wonderful total of £886.26.

Thanks again to our PTA, all of the parent/carer volunteers, all of the staff who supported and our fantastic DJ who ensured the children were dancing the night away.

Parent Teacher Consultations

Don’t forget that Parent Teacher Consultations (Parents’ Night) takes place on Thursday 10th November 2022.

86% of our parent/carers have already booked an appointment.  If you have not booked your appointment yet, please do so by 3.30pm on Monday 7th November 2022.

If you are unable to attend, you should still log in and mark yourself as unavailable.

The School Cloud booking system is available at https://woodhead.schoolcloud.co.uk 

Full guidance on the evening and how to use School Cloud can be found here: https://blogs.glowscotland.org.uk/sl/public/woodheadpsht/uploads/sites/14613/2022/10/21111531/ParentsEveningBooking_Nov2022.pdf

PC and PTA Meetings

The next meeting of the PTA and Parent Council take place on Tuesday 1st November 2022.  Please note, to accommodate the let booking, the times are now 6.30pm-8.15pm.

The latest PC minutes are available on the school website at: https://blogs.glowscotland.org.uk/sl/woodheadprimary/?page_id=780

Anti-bullying Workshops

We are pleased to take up an offer of Anti-bullying workshops from our Community Police colleagues.  These are aimed at children in P6 and P7.

PC McCrone will visit on Friday 4th November and deliver her workshop to each class individually.

I am sure this will be a useful and informative session for our pupils.

Online Safety – Social Media

Recently, we have supported many children and families who have required assistance when the use of social media has resulted in children being upset or worried.

Almost all Social Media apps are for people age 13 or over.  In order to sign up, a date of birth must be entered.  Adding an incorrect date means that younger children may be exposed to adverts and content that are not age appropriate.  It also invalidates the terms and conditions for many of these social networks.

That means that none of our children are able to use these apps.

We have been asked by parents for advice and help with children’s use of Social Media.  The following links direct you to many sources of information:

Parent Club – Online Safety

NSPCC Guide to Social Media for Parents:

Use parental controls on your child’s iPhone, iPad and iPod touch

Internet Matters Guide to Social Media (with additional links and advice)

School Value Award Recipients

Our assembly was postponed until next week.  We will celebrate two weeks of School Values recipients at the next assembly.

PTA Christmas Fete

If you are interested in having a stall at the PTA Christmas Fete, please email woodheadpta@hotmail.com

School Lunch Menu

It is Week 1 of the school and nursery lunch menu from Monday 24th October 2022.

School Menu: https://www.southlanarkshire.gov.uk/info/200186/primary_school_information/2075/primary_school_lunch_menu_20222023

Nursery Menu:


All children in Nursery to P5 are entitled to a free school lunch.

Hopscotch Theatre Performance

We’re really looking forward to our performance of ‘Sleeping Beauty’ on Monday 31st October 2022 for P1-7 pupils.

Christmas Card Enterprise

A reminder that finished Christmas Card designs will be sent home on Monday 31st October 2022 along with an order form.

If you decide to purchase packs of cards, you must return the order form to school by Wednesday 9th November 2022.

Packs of 12 cards cost £5 and this will be payable by ParentPay from 31st October 2022. Please note, there is no obligation for parents/carers to purchase these. However, the school does receive a commission for each pack purchased.

Please note the date printed by the SLC Print room on the forms has the ’22’ missing from ‘2022’ on the return date.  It reads 9.11.20 when it should read ‘9.11.2022’

November Inservice Day

School and Nursery will be closed to pupils on Monday 14th November 2022 for staff inservice training.

Learning Showcase

Each class will host a Learning Showcase this year, with parents/carers invited to come into class and see some of the learning that has taken place.

Our first showcase of the year is P7a and P7b, which is on Wednesday 16th November 2022 from 9.30am.

Extra Curricular Clubs this week:

  • Monday 31st October 2022: P6&7 Girls’ Football
  • Tuesday 25th October 2022: Netball
  • Wednesday 26th October 2022: Choir

Unfortunately, the starting date for our Film Club has been postponed.  It will now begin on Thursday 17th November 2022.  Permission slips for those children who have been allocated a space from the ballot will be sent home this week.

Upcoming Diary Dates:

  • Monday 31st October 2022: Christmas Card Designs sent home
  • Tuesday 1st November 2022: Parent Council and PTA Meetings (6.30pm-8.30pm) Note new time
  • Friday 4th November 2022: P6 and P7 Anti-Bullying Workshops
  • WB 7th November 2022: Book Fayre in school
  • Monday 7th November 2022 (3.30pm): Parents’ Evening Booking closes
  • Tuesday 8th November 2022: P1-7 Flu Immunisations
  • Wednesday 9th November 2022: Deadline for Christmas Card returns
  • Thursday 10th November 2022: P1-7 Parent/Teacher Consultations (3pm-8pm)
  • Monday 14th November 2022: Inservice Day (School and Nursery closed to pupils)
  • Wednesday 16th November 2022: P7a and P7b Learning Showcase (9.30am)

Riddle of the Week

Well done to everyone who told me the correct answer to last week’s Riddle:

I have cities, but no houses. I have forests, but no trees. I have water, but no fish. What am I?

 The correct answer was ‘A Map’

This week’s riddle is:

You’re running a race and at the very end, you pass the person in 2nd place. What place did you finish the race in?

A house point to every pupil who shares the correct answer with Mr. Clark.

Can your child solve it without parental help or googling it?

Thank you for your continued support. Please get in touch via the school office if I can assist in any way.

Kind regards

Mr. Clark

Mr. S. Jasnosz-Clark

Head Teacher

Week Beginning Monday 24th October 2022

I hope all of our children and families have enjoyed the October Week holiday.  We look forward to seeing pupils back at school and nursery on Monday 24th October 2022 at the usual times. (Breakfast Club will open at 8.15am as normal).

Parent/Teacher Consultations

This term’s Parent Teacher Consultations (Parents’ Evening) will take place on Thursday 10th November 2022 between 3pm and 8pm.

Appointments can be booked now using the School Cloud booking system: https://woodhead.schoolcloud.co.uk 

Booking will close at 3.30pm on Monday 7th November 2022.

Full guidance on the evening and how to use School Cloud can be found here: https://blogs.glowscotland.org.uk/sl/public/woodheadpsht/uploads/sites/14613/2022/10/21111531/ParentsEveningBooking_Nov2022.pdf

If you need any further assistance with booking an appointment, please call the office on 01698 457669.

School Value Award Recipients

The following children were recognised last week by their class teacher for following the Woodhead Way in class, and displaying the school values.  They received the School Values Award at assembly on Friday 14th Oct 2022:

Pupil Name Class Values
Aria B P1a Friendship;Respect;


Emmaline O P1b Friendship;Determination
Ollie M P2a Respect;Excellence;Determination
Grace T P2b Friendship;Respect;


Ezra G P3 Friendship;Respect;Honesty;


Imogen B P3/4 Friendship;Respect;


Jessica R P4 Friendship;Respect;


Jordan W P4/5 Friendship;Respect;


Macy S P5 Friendship;Respect;Honesty;


Alexander R P6/7 Friendship;Respect
Evie M P6 Friendship;Respect;


Jamie Lee M P7a Respect;Honesty;


Shelley S P7b Friendship;Respect;


The following children were recognised as going ‘Over and Above’ in class last week, not only demonstrating the Woodhead Way, but going beyond the expectations in all aspects of school life this week.  They will be recognised with a special Reward Time this week:

Pupil Name Class
Tilly R P1a
Isabella J P1b
Selina D P2a
Harrison L P2b
Freya M P3
Maisie G P3/4
Finlay M P4
Jacob M P4/5
Grace M P5
Zoe G P6/7
Islay M P6
Maia C P7a
Millie M P7b

In the playground, our Support Staff recognised the following children for following the Woodhead Way and being Ready, Respectful and Safe:

Faith D P1b
Elizabeth C P2a
Esme P3
Lewis P P4
Mia N P5
Joel K P7a
Shelley S P7b
Corey F P7b

Book Fayre

In consultation with the Parent Council, we have decided to take part in the Scholastic Book Fayre in school to coincide with our Parents’ Evening this term.

The Fayre will arrive in school on 7th November 2022.  All children will have an opportunity to browse the books and complete a wish list to bring home.  Books will then be available to purchase* during the Parents’ Evening.

Please note that there is no obligation to purchase any books from a child’s wish list. 

*It may be required to order books for later delivery depending on stock levels.

Non-Uniform Day

Our next non-uniform day will take place on Friday 28th October 2022.  The School House Captains have decided on the optional theme of ‘Hallowe’en’

Children can come to school wearing a Hallowe’en costume or Hallowe’en themed outfit. Please avoid overly scary outfits that younger children might not like. Please also leave all accessories such as wands, swords, etc. at home.

We have a small supply of donated costumes that we would be delighted to pass on to any families.  Pop in to the office if you would like to have a look.

PTA Hallowe’en Discos:

PTA Christmas Fete

If you are interested in having a stall at the PTA Christmas Fete, please email woodheadpta@hotmail.com

School Lunch Menu

It is Week 3 of the school and nursery lunch menu from Monday 24th October 2022.

School Menu: https://www.southlanarkshire.gov.uk/info/200186/primary_school_information/2075/primary_school_lunch_menu_20222023/3 

Nursery Menu: https://www.southlanarkshire.gov.uk/info/200184/early_learning_and_childcare/2077/nursery_lunch_menu_20222023/3

All children in Nursery to P5 are entitled to a free school lunch.

Hopscotch Theatre Performance

As a treat for P1-7 pupils, we have booked a performance of ‘Fairytales’ by Hopscotch Theatre company on the afternoon Monday 31st October 2022.

We were offered a heavily discounted rate due to a cancelation from a local school.

I hope the children enjoy the show!

Christmas Card Enterprise

A reminder that finished Christmas Card designs will be sent home on Monday 31st October 2022 along with an order form.

If you decide to purchase packs of cards, you must return the order form to school by Wednesday 9th November 2022.

Packs of 12 cards cost £5 and this will be payable by ParentPay from 31st October 2022. Please note, there is no obligation for parents/carers to purchase these. However, the school does receive a commission for each pack purchased.

November Inservice Day

School and Nursery will be closed to pupils on Monday 14th November 2022 for staff inservice training.

Learning Showcase

Each class will host a Learning Showcase this year, with parents/carers invited to come into class and see some of the learning that has taken place.

Our first showcase of the year is P7a and P7b, which is on Wednesday 16th November 2022 from 9.30am.

Extra Curricular Clubs this week:

  • Monday 24th October 2022: P6&7 Boys’ Football
  • Tuesday 25th October 2022: Netball
  • Wednesday 26th October 2022: Choir

Clubs are run by staff volunteers and spaces are limited.  If demand exceeds availability, places are balloted at random.

When a new club is starting, a letter is issued to the appropriate classes to express interest.  We aim, as far as possible, to offer at least one club per stage throughout the year.

Upcoming Diary Dates:

  • Thursday 27th October 2022: PTA Hallowe’en Discos (6.15pm-7.15pm for P1-3; 7.30pm-8.45pm for P4-7).
  • Friday 28th October 2022: Non-Uniform Day (Hallowe’en Theme)
  • Monday 31st October 2022 (pm): P1-7 Hopscotch Theatre Production
  • Monday 31st October 2022: Christmas Card Designs sent home
  • Tuesday 1st November 2022: Parent Council and PTA Meetings (6.30pm-8.30pm) Note new time
  • Friday 4th November 2022: P6 and P7 Anti-Bullying Workshops
  • WB 7th November 2022: Book Fayre in school
  • Monday 7th November 2022 (3.30pm): Parents’ Evening Booking closes
  • Tuesday 8th November 2022: P1-7 Flu Immunisations
  • Wednesday 9th November 2022: Deadline for Christmas Card returns
  • Thursday 10th November 2022: P1-7 Parent/Teacher Consultations (3pm-8pm)
  • Monday 14th November 2022: Inservice Day (School and Nursery closed to pupils)
  • Wednesday 16th November 2022: P7a and P7b Learning Showcase (9.30am)

Riddle of the Week

Well done to everyone who told me the correct answer to last week’s Riddle:

What two things can you never eat for breakfast?  The correct answer was ‘Breakfast and Lunch’

This week’s riddle is:

I have cities, but no houses. I have forests, but no trees. I have water, but no fish. What am I?

A house point to every pupil who shares the correct answer with Mr. Clark.

Can your child solve it without parental help or googling it?

Thank you for your continued support. Please get in touch via the school office if I can assist in any way.

Kind regards

Mr. Clark

Mr. S. Jasnosz-Clark

Head Teacher