Tag Archives: Diary Dates

Week Beginning Monday 3rd October 2022

Welcome to the Head Teacher’s Blog for WB 3rd October 2022

We had our first wet playtime/lunchtime of the year on Friday.  It’s amazing that we got to this point in the year without a wet break.  Our Primary 7 pupils did a sterling job at being monitors for the other classes.

As the weather is most definitely becoming Autumnal, it is a good idea for children to have a spare pair of socks in their bag in case of wet feet on the way to school.

Participatory Budget 2022

Parents/Carers of Woodhead are invited to vote on how part of our Pupil Equity Fund will be used through Participatory Budgeting. Please select one option from this Google Form, which will close at 3pm on Wednesday 5th October 2022.


The form collects email address to allow us to ensure all votes are from parents/carers. Children should not vote on this form – they will have their own class vote in school next week.

Parent Council and PTA Meeting

The next meetings of the Woodhead PC and the Woodhead PTA take place in the school on Tuesday 4th October 2022 (6.45pm-8.30pm).

Details of the Parent Council and their minutes are available on the Woodhead website at https://blogs.glowscotland.org.uk/sl/woodheadprimary/?page_id=780

Maths Week Scotland

As part of the National ‘Maths Week Scotland’, our pupils experienced lots of maths lessons and experiences this week.  As part of a Maths Week Leadership group, Mrs. Roe, Miss Miller and Mrs. Rashid planned a host of shared themes for each class across the week, including:

  • An outdoor maths trail
  • A Maths in Art focus
  • A Maths Puzzle focus
  • A P1-4 Maths Mascot Competition
  • A P4-7 Maths Slogan/Logo competition

We will be sharing lots of photographs of Maths week as soon as possible (we are still waiting on a few parents/carers to return annual photograph consent).

Lockerbie Manor Parent Information Session

Our current Primary 6 and Primary 7 parents are invited to attend an information session about Lockerbie Manor on Monday 13th October 2022 in the school hall, from 4.30pm-5.30pm.

This meeting is for parents/carers, so if possible, children should not attend.

If you are unable to attend, the information and presentation will be emailed afterwards.

I look forward to seeing as many P6 and P7 parents as possible on the night.

Nurture Resources

As part of our School Improvement Plan for 2022-23, we are continuing to develop our approaches to Nurture.  As we develop Nurture and break out spaces around our school, we would be grateful of the following items if you have any to donate:

  • Small sofas or armchairs (must have Fire Resistant labels still in place)
  • Soft furnishings such as cushions, blankets or throws.
  • Board games and jigsaws
  • Sensory or fidget toys
  • Soft-toys such as teddy bears or puppets.

If you have any of these at home which are no longer required, we would be very pleased to receive them.

School Lunches

From Monday 3rd to Friday 7th October 2022, it’s Week 3 of the School and Nursery Lunch Menu.  Nursery to P5 pupils are automatically entitled to a free school meal.

School Lunch Menu: https://www.southlanarkshire.gov.uk/info/200186/primary_school_information/2075/primary_school_lunch_menu_20222023/3

Nursery Lunch Menu: https://www.southlanarkshire.gov.uk/info/200184/early_learning_and_childcare/2077/nursery_lunch_menu_20222023/3

Upcoming Diary Dates:

  • Tuesday 4th October 2022: PC and PTA Meetings (6.45pm-8.30pm)
  • Monday 10th October 2022: Lockerbie Manor Information Session for P6 and P7 Parents/Carers (4.30pm-5.30pm)
  • Monday 17th to Friday 21st October 2022: October Week Holiday (School and Nursery Closed)
  • Thursday 27th October 2022: PTA Hallowe’en Discos (P1-3: 6.15pm-7.15pm, P4-7: 7.30pm-8.45pm)

Riddle of the Week

For a bit of fun, I am going to set a Riddle each week in my blog.  A house point goes to each child who tells me the correct answer to it on Monday morning:

For this week’s riddle, the question is:

What belongs to you but is used more by others?

Can your child solve it without parental help or googling it?

Thank you for your continued support. Please get in touch via the school office if I can assist in any way.

Kind regards

Mr. Clark

Mr. S. Jasnosz-Clark

Head Teacher

Week Beginning Monday 26th September 20222

Welcome to this week’s edition of the Head Teacher’s blog.

I hope you have enjoyed the long weekend holiday.  School and Nursery re-open at the normal times on Tuesday 27th September 2022.

P1-7 Open Day

Thank you to everyone who was able to attend our P1-7 Open Day today. It was a pleasure to have many of our parents/carers and relatives back in school. I hope you enjoyed the session.

More photographs are available at https://twitter.com/WoodheadPrimary/status/1572973355749228547

We would appreciate your feedback on the event and ask that you complete this short questionnaire to let us know your views. (If you already completed if by following the QR Code during the event, there is no need to complete it a second time).

Feedback Form: https://forms.office.com/r/YQpYPhrr59

This form will close at 10am on Wednesday 28th September 2022.

If you weren’t able to come to our Open Day today, I look forward to seeing you at a future event.

The Woodhead Way

During the open day, I touched briefly on the work we are doing this year around ‘The Woodhead Way’ and Promoting Positive Relationships (previously Promoting Positive Behaviour).

If you are interesting in being part of a short-life working group to involve parents/carers in shaping our procedures and policies around this area, please complete this form:

Promoting Positive Relationships Working Group: https://forms.office.com/r/TsTV4EtJNf

The form will close at 12pm on Friday 30th September 2022.

PC and PTA Meetings

The next meetings of the Parent Council and the PTA will take place in the school at 6.45pm-8.30pm on Tuesday 4th October 2022.  All parents/carers are welcome to attend.

Pupil House Captains

Congratulations to our Primary 7s who have been voted by their classmates to be a part of this year’s Pupil Leadership Team as House Captains.

The captains for each house are:

All of the children who delivered a speech were outstanding and should be very proud of themselves.

Maths Week Scotland

We will be marking Maths Week Scotland in school this week with lots of maths-based learning experiences across the school.

We will also be posting some Family Learning ideas on our school Twitter page.

Keep an eye on Twitter for some photographs of our Maths Week activities.

Non-Uniform Day

Our next non-uniform day will take place on Friday 30th September 2022.  There is no set theme for this day.

Please remember that football branded items are not permitted to be worn in schools in line with SLC policy.

Lunch Menus for WB 26th Sep 2022

It’s Week 2 of the 2022-23 school and nursery lunch menus from Tuesday 26th to Friday 30th September 2022.  All Nursery and Primary 1-5 pupils are entitled to a free school meal.

School Menu:


Nursery Menu:


Primary 1 children will now order their lunch in class each morning as P2-7 do.

Upcoming Diary Dates

  • WB Tuesday 27th September 2022: Maths Week Scotland
  • Friday 30th September 2022:  Non-uniform Day (No Theme)
  • Tuesday 4th October 2022:  PC and PTA Meetings (6.45pm-8.30pm)
  • Monday 17th to Friday 21st October 2022: October Week Holiday (School and Nursery Closed)

Thank you for your continued support.  Please get in touch via the school office if I can assist in any way.

Kind regards

Mr. Clark

Mr. S. Jasnosz-Clark

Head Teacher



Week Beginning Monday 19th September 2022

Welcome to this week’s edition of the Head Teacher’s blog.

Additional Bank Holiday

School and nursery are closed on Monday 19th September 2022 as this is an additional bank holiday to mark the state funeral of HM Queen Elizabeth II. We reopen on Tuesday 20th September 2022 at the usual times.

September Weekend

School and Nursery are closed on Friday 23rd and  Monday 26th September 2022 for the September long weekend holiday

Open Day

Out Primary 1-7 Open Day takes place on Thursday 22nd September 2022 at 9.30am or 1.30pm.  Parents/carers will have an opportunity to visit their child/ten in class and join in with shared target setting for the year ahead.  We invited you to join us for one of the sessions and ask that you limit visitors to 2 per family.  Doors will open at 9am or 1.15pm with tea/coffee available.

Standards and Quality 2022 and School Improvement Plan 2022-23

Our annual Standards and Quality Report which gives details of our improvement work for last session, pupil attainment and our work on closing the equity gap has been published and can be viewed by following this link:


The Improvement Plan for 2022-23 which outlines our targets and intended measures for the year ahead is also using these links:

Plan on a Page:


School Improvement Plan:


If you would like to comment or ask a question about any of these documents, please use this Microsoft Form (which closes on Thursday 22nd at 11am):


Youth, Family and Community Learning Service

Hello to all parents/carers

My name is Caroline Stewart. I am a Youth, Family and Community Learning Worker based at Woodhead Primary School. My role is to engage with families to offer positive learning opportunities that help support pupils and their parents/carers. The event below may be of interest to you:

The Wee Blether group parent/carer drop in sessions.

(Tea/coffee/biscuits and chat and invited guest speakers some weeks) will start next Tuesday 9-11am on Tuesday 20th September. I would be delighted to if you were able to come along. Drop-ins will be weekly until further notice.

I you would like any more information I am available at Woodhead Primary School on a Monday/Tuesday on 01698 457669. Alternatively, you can email me on gw14stewartcaroline@glow.sch.uk

Hope to see you there!

Caroline Stewart

Parent Council Constitution

The Woodhead Parent Council has proposed changes to their constitution.  They invite all members of the Parent Forum (ie parents/carers of pupils at Woodhead Primary or Nursery) to vote on these proposed changes.

There is also 1 vacancy on the Parent Council. To express an interest in becoming a member, you should complete the relevant section of the PC Constitution form. Please note that a ballot will be held should the number of volunteers exceed the number of vacancies

PC Constitution Form: https://forms.office.com/r/5NpAZ3ng5R (Closes at 3pm on 22nd September 2022).

School Lunches

It’s back to Week 1 of the 2022-23 school and nursery lunch menus from Tuesday 20th to Thursday 22nd September 2022.  All Nursery and Primary 1-5 pupils are entitled to a free school meal.

School Menu: https://www.southlanarkshire.gov.uk/info/200186/primary_school_information/2075/primary_school_lunch_menu_20222023

Nursery Menu:


Primary 1 parents should use this Google Form to pre-order their child’s lunch by 9am on Tuesday 20th September:


This will be the last week for pre-orders.  After the September weekend, Primary 1 children will order their lunch in class each morning.

Upcoming Diary Dates:

  • Monday 19th September 2022:  Bank Holiday (School and Nursery Closed)
  • Wednesday 21st September 2022:  P7 House Captain Presentations
  • Thursday 22nd September 2022: P1-7 Open Day
  • Friday 23rd and Monday 26th September 2022:  September long weekend (School and Nursery closed)
  • WB Tuesday 27th September 2022: Maths Week Scotland
  • Friday 30th September 2022:  Non-uniform Day (No Theme)
  • Tuesday 4th October 2022:  PC and PTA Meetings (6.45pm-8.30pm)

Thank you for your continued support.  Please get in touch via the school office if I can assist in any way.

Kind regards

Mr. Clark

Mr. S. Jasnosz-Clark

Head Teacher